Author Archives: Al Swearengen

Diebold and CIA editing wiki entries

From Dkos: Wikipedia Scanner — the brainchild of CalTech computation and neural-systems graduate student Virgil Griffith — offers users a searchable database that ties millions of anonymous Wikipedia edits to organizations where those edits apparently originated, by cross-referencing the edits … Continue reading

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Birds of a Feather

Fatigue cripples US army in Iraq Memo shows [Utah] mine owners already knew they had roof problems in March Texas girl in [taxpayer funded] “boot camp” is tied to a van and dragged Cheney in ’94 on why it would be stupid … Continue reading

Posted in History, Justice, Military, Politics, Video | 2 Comments

Maher Arar’s Murderers Are Exposed

“With persons likely to be tortured, there’s not even [been] a claim of a cost-benefit analysis. It’s not like you’re torturing to get the ticking bomb. It’s just that we would rather send this person back and have that person … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Justice, Military | 5 Comments

Buffalo vs. Lions – both vs. Crocodiles

This is the first nature video I’ve ever posted…watch this one from beginning to end.  It’s the basic Hollywood formula played out in realtime somewhere in Africa:

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Is Bush Due for a Colin Blow?

karl writes in an email: “Maybe if Powell comes forward the democrats will get enough courage to end this debacle” Of all the former Bush administration officials whose advice was ignored — to disastrous effect — in the run-up to … Continue reading

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WHA’ HAPPENED? (here are our Democrats) there can be something worse in politics than having no power, it would be to have power, but no clue about what to do with it. Chipping away at the Bush administration via subpoenas and committee hearings is starting … Continue reading

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Blind Melon – Tones of Home

Shannon Hoon – RIP – I’ve got the full DVD of this show if anyone wants a copy.

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Rusted Root – Lost in a Crowd

St. Louis, MO – 11/30/96

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Wabbit Feet

(UK asks U.S. to free residents from Guantanamo) Britain asked the United States to release five British residents from Guantanamo Bay on Tuesday in what analysts saw as a sign that new Prime Minister Gordon Brown is taking a more … Continue reading

Posted in Justice, Military | 1 Comment

Carlos Mencia & Barry Bonds

(Yardbarker) So if you’re swimming in the water and a shark bites you, that’s called trespassing. That is not a shark attack. A shark attack is if you’re chilling at home, sitting on your couch, and a shark comes in … Continue reading

Posted in Comedy, Sports, Video | 14 Comments

Videos – 4 for $0.00

Bernie Sanders (I-VT) fights Bush Nominee on WalMart tax breaks The History of Nixon and the Future of Cheney TDS-Gonzo-Mountain (Hillarious!)

Posted in Comedy, Politics, Video | 2 Comments

Patriots Who Love the Troops to Death

(FRANK RICH) …As is becoming clearer than ever in this Korffian endgame, hiding behind the troops is the last refuge of this war’s sponsors. This too is a rewrite of history. It has been the war’s champions who have more … Continue reading

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At the Beach

Here’s Sam running around

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Tom Snyder RIP

My most (and really only) memorable Tom Snyder moment for me was when he covered for Bob Costas and interviewed Howard Stern in 1991 – Bask in the hostility (4 parts):

Posted in Comedy, Video | 1 Comment

The Bush administration’s code of silence

by Sidney Blumenthal (Guardian UK)Omertà (or code of silence) has become the final bond holding the Bush administration together. Honesty is dishonourable; silence is manly; penitence is weakness. Loyalty trumps law. Protecting higher-ups is patriotism. Stonewalling is idealism. Telling the … Continue reading

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Ted Kennedy on Health Care

The boys were upstairs for their nap, and I was struggling energy-wise in a bad way due to back to back 3AM school nights (drinking coffee right now at 11PM, so…). These days I like to get some work done … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Video | 10 Comments

Hysterical Blindness

(Reuters) The FBI and IRS have searched the home of Republican Sen. Ted Stevens in a ski resort in Alaska as part of an investigation into his links with an oil-services company, officials said on Monday. …that might make your … Continue reading

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  The years of devotion eventually pay off, although AFTER I move 100 miles away from the Fleet Center and can’t afford to go anyway. One game I managed to convince my father to attend with me during the Antoine-Pierce-O’Brien … Continue reading

Posted in Sports | 2 Comments

The Roots – Hardware

From an appearance on Chapelle:

Posted in Music, Video | 2 Comments

American Blackout – Documentary on Voting Rights

I’m not sure how many, if any, of the readers of this blog actually watch these long videos I post from time to time, but my idea in doing so is that a single viewer is enough to justify posting … Continue reading

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Ready To Trust General Patraeus?

UPDATE: State Dep’t Ends Baghdad Electricity Updates President Bush 6/15/2006: “I do think we’ll be able to measure progress. You can measure progress in capacity of Iraqi units, you can measure progress in megawatts of electricity delivered, you can measure … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 12 Comments

Good Eats

TPMmuckraker features some top-notch analysis concerning Gonzo and the NSA wiretapping program(s?): “There’s a lot of evidence to suggest that Gonzales’s careful, repeated phrasing to the Senate that he will only discuss the program that “the president described” was deliberate, … Continue reading

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Spinal Tap – Big Bottom

Dig it

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Construction of US Embassy in Iraq

Two foremen on the project tell a House committee about how the USA goes about building something like this under Bush/Cheney.  Rory Mayberry, a former subcontractor employee for First Kuwaiti Trading & Contracting Company, gives opening testimony: Owens, a … Continue reading

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Blackwater = Border Patrol?

7/25/2007: “Guard’s Border Mission to be Halved” — The number of National Guard troops along the Arizona-Mexico border will be trimmed in half by the end of next month. As the presidentially mandated Operation Jumpstart mission begins its second year … Continue reading

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Leave Those Kids Alone

Van Helsing emailed this story today, and since we’re living with 2 toddlers each, it pertains to both of us especially. Here is his chosen excerpt: …There is now a concerted effort to spread adult-child play beyond its stronghold in … Continue reading

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Alan Watts: When Will You Arrive?

(h/t Andrew Sullivan)

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The Bible warns of tough times ahead

This is pretty funny.  karl emailed it yesterday. KAMIAH, Idaho — Do you envision a dream home that shields you from nuclear holocaust? Marauding outlaws? Agents of Satan?  You’re in luck.  A $230,000, two-story, three-bedroom beauty nestled amid rolling pastures … Continue reading

Posted in Comedy, Religion | 5 Comments

Censored portions of Arar report to be revealed

This should be interesting: (Source) A Federal Court judge has agreed to reveal portions of the Maher Arar report that were censored by the government. Mr. Justice Simon Noel ruled Tuesday that he will uncensor some – but not all … Continue reading

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Bill Moyers Interviews ‘The Yes Men’

Bill Moyers Journal: The Yes Men Part 1 Bill Moyers Journal: The Yes Men Part 2

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