Author Archives: Al Swearengen

Violent Crime in America (COPS Program)

One site I like to lurk on over to is ‘Badger Blogger‘, and those of you who do the same will not be disappointed. My brother lives in Wisconsin now, so I like to stay up on local issues, but … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Politics, Video | 5 Comments

Staying With Charlie Babbitt

Reverend James Dobson (5/14/07): “I was invited to go to Washington DC to meet with President Bush in the White House along with 12 or 13 other leaders of the pro-family movement. And the topic of the discussion that day … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Politics, Religion | 15 Comments

Woman killed by drunk driver

Alleged ties between the driver and Iran are being investigated

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U.S. soldier shot to death in Pakistan

Tony Snow claims the soldier was killed by bullets manufactured in Iran

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The King of Disruption Returns

After Ted Johnson and Roman Phifer retired, the middle linebacker spot alongside Teddy Bruschi was a noticeable weakness in the Pats defense, on the run in particular. Monty Beisel and Chad Brown were both flops, and while Mike Vrabel’s transition … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Sports | 5 Comments

Keller Williams – Freaker>WordUp>Freaker

3/1/2002 –

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Does it itch, drip, burn and/or grow?

When your work is outstanding for a number of years, but that promotion you’ve been chasing for all that time remains elusive – it’s time to look in the mirror and ask yourself, “do I have a Monica problem?” Apparently … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Politics | 3 Comments

Fashion Integrity

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The Three Stooges

Super Service:

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Stars and Stripes: The Army Lied

Heading to the end of this semester, I’m currently “surging” on that front, but the Stars and Stripes and Army Times have been doing their job well in the past two years, and here is a great example: ARLINGTON, Va. … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 6 Comments

Veterans (Like Deficits) Don’t Matter

Take a moment and watch these two clips I’ve got from a house committee hearing on how our veterans are being left behind, within a system that Republicans and the President have gone out of their way to nickel and … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Video | 1 Comment

House Budget Debate – Then and Now

In the current installment we have Republicans railing against tax increases, with numbers that lack context, and if you listen carefully, what they’re talking about is the fact that Bush’s tax cuts aren’t yet permanent. They expire in 2010. Also … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, History, Politics, Video | 2 Comments


The following 5 stocks now constitute about 50% of my entire Portfolio B holdings. With all five of these, I’m in it for the long haul. For readers who tend to skip over my Professor Frink posts, but are investing … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Economics | 6 Comments

John Murtha – Barney Frank (how it’s done!)

Rep. Murtha: Iraq Accountability Act Rep. Frank: Shareholder Vote on Executive Compensation Act (Republicans were apparently saying anything to protect the status quo in regards to CEO compensation, and Barney Frank made mince meat out of them) More … Continue reading

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Peter Pace – Practice Makes Perfect

Governors were meeting with the President and his most submissive prag, asking about Plan B in Iraq, to which they were told that Plan B is to make Plan A work. General Pace: “I’m a Marine, and Marines don’t talk … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military | 3 Comments

Max & Sam

A couple videos of my boys – Max running amok, and Sam playing one of his favorite games with me…I’m looking forward to cooking them breakfast in a couple hours…scrambled eggs, oatmeal with brown sugar and raisins.

Posted in Al Swearengen, Video | 5 Comments

bBlogBouillabaisse – Hey Pocky Way

The BRAD BLOG – Got to love this guy, sticking to the stories that our media refuses to go near. What’s more fundamental to our system of government than the legitimacy of our elections? I threw my two cents into … Continue reading

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ABB – Blue Sky 1991

Allman Brothers Band w/ Dicky Betts and Warren Haynes on guitar. You’re going to see a lot of Warren on this site in the days and decades to come, and I can’t think of a better way to introduce him … Continue reading

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Portfolios A & B

A – (70K start), the last 4 months (+10.17%) have outpaced the average for that same time period (+7%), which indicates an improvement over time. After 20 months the overall percentage gain has been 45.03%. I’m staying put with all … Continue reading

Posted in Economics | 6 Comments

Friday Night Fights

I’m getting excited about Oscar vs. Floyd! As with most sporting events of this magnitude that I end up looking forward to for a long time, I’ve made a point to ignore all press/hype/predictions/etc…with boxing especially, the whole ‘there’s bad … Continue reading

Posted in Sports, Video | 7 Comments

Burst Asunder is a soldier in Iraq

Here’s the post I just read. Please take the time to visit his site and send him some love with your comments – The Iraqi Army: We conducted a joint operation with the Iraqi Army back in December, 2006. We … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 3 Comments

Celebrating Murder (9/2/04)

Another one from the vault, ‘Celebrating Murder’ was my overall impression of the GOP national convention that year, as 9/11 was the star of the show from beginning to end. Giuliani was featured, and within his speech were eleven shout-outs … Continue reading

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Phish – Ghost Jam 7-6-98

The cut in is at the last chorus of Ghost, and Trey sets up his loops then has an out of body experience, with a SICK start-stop towards the end before it cuts off. Guitar heads of any musical genre … Continue reading

Posted in Music, Video | 2 Comments

Slave Army

The United States Army is continuing along in Iraq, with as healthy an appreciation of self as your average heroin junky or to be even more precise, a hardcore gasoline huffing aficionado hunkered over its favorite can. Woozy, deteriorated and … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military | 7 Comments

General Eaton to Dubya

Dear Mr. President – Today, in your veto message regarding the bipartisan legislation just passed on Operation Iraqi Freedom, you asserted that you so decided because you listen to your commanders on the ground. Respectfully, as your former commander on … Continue reading

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Golden State Warriors

How unlikely is this? Up 3-1 on the Mavs… Not very (it would seem), but when Larry Bird went on a mid-season “attitude purge”, he undoubtedly gave Don Nelson and his Warriors a new lease on life. Take it for … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Sports | 12 Comments

My Foggo’s No Longer Dusty

Everything works now with the video (thanks Nick!) – I encourage everyone to head over and check out the videos posted over at Hootsbuddy’s Place – Because I’ve been slow to get this plugin working, I’m posting a couple now … Continue reading

Posted in Video | 2 Comments

William F. Buckley – Filling the Void

Big Daddy Conservative goes out on a limb in stating the obvious, and it is news because of who he is, with a pseudo-intellectual named William Kristol being paid as an editor of Big Daddy’s hallowed National Review, and all … Continue reading

Posted in Video, Words | 4 Comments

The New Patriots

Adalius Thomas, Donte Stallworth, Wes Welker and Randy Moss are the veterans Belichick has brought in for the 2007-08 Super Bowl run, and for a moment today I wasn’t too sure it could be THAT easy to lock up the … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Sports | 6 Comments

Sopranos Predictions

Tony has a gambling problem, which isn’t too hard to pick out, as he placed three large bets prior to his meeting with Little Carmine, and during a call to Hesch in the last episode, he let us know that … Continue reading

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