Author Archives: Al Swearengen

Marquise Hill – RIP

“Here’s a 6-foot-6, 300-pound guy, as intimidating as can be, and yet every time you approached him he always welcomed you with big old smile. In between the lines, he had his game-face on, but outside the lines, in the … Continue reading

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Cindy Sheehan – Broken

This really broke my heart to read, as it is yet another example of the collateral damage this compromise over the Iraq war funding has created. It confirms that as a people, we were too collectively fucked up at this … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Politics | 4 Comments

A Great Debate

Neoconservative Bill Kristol debates progressive Robert Kuttner:

Posted in Politics, Video | 2 Comments

Cheney’s Wisdom

Dick Cheney at the West Point graduation ceremony on 5/26/07: Capture one of these killers, and he’ll be quick to demand the protections of the Geneva Convention and the Constitution of the United States. Yet when they wage attacks or … Continue reading

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bBlogBouillabaisse – Tones of Home

‘Group Therapy‘ by Marc Olmsted, this one comes with my 100% money-back guarantee! ‘Operation Freedom From Iraqis‘ by Frank Rich On why Jose Padilla is looking more and more innocent every day, I suggest you read Lewis Z. Koch at … Continue reading

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Andrew Card at UMASS

A video clip from my neck of the woods:

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3 Stooges – Disorder in the Court

Curly in ’08!

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Another Soldier in Iraq

“I’m tired. This is the beginning of week 12 of my second tour in Iraq. Its not any better than the first time. This time, a lot of things have gotten even worse. The last time, you knew the Iraqi … Continue reading

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Bob Marley and the Wailers – Exodus

My favorite Marley song. My favorite book of the Bible. Enjoy!

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Focusing on the Injustice

I get frustrated watching testimony like the Monica episode yesterday, as the short time allotted for each member to ask questions, and the off-topic blah from Republicans about everything but the topic at hand, really work together in a way … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Politics, Words | 1 Comment

My Sentiments Exactly

(HT: The Largest Minority) Keith Olbermann is right on the money regarding the capitulation of Democrats on the war: Rep. Dennis Kucinich:

Posted in Military, Politics, Video | 33 Comments

Our War Of Terror

I did see the movie “Borat” and yes, I am stealing that joke for the title of this piece. Our ‘War of Terror’ is defined by the applause that backs it up during an event like the Republican primary debate … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, History, Military, Politics, Religion | 4 Comments

1-5 CAV from Fort Hood, Texas

The “Black Knights” Of notable historic significance, this particular unit was an elite fighting force constructed in the 1800s of proven soldiers from many of the separate states that comprised the Union at that time. Its more recent mixture of … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 4 Comments

David Sterns’s Tumor

After tonight, I’m sure it’s in there somewhere… As NBA commissioner, David Stern has made sure that the kids understand how vital it is to have a pair of his player’s sneakers. He’s promoted the game for years now as … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Sports | 4 Comments

Net Neutrality – Documentary


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Jason Giambi

I couldn’t help but think of the film Dirty Dancing, when news of his ‘confession’ hit the wire. It’s the scene right after Baby providing the alibi for Swayze, admitting that she’d been sleeping with him when the wallets were … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Sports | 1 Comment

Gonzo Montage

Courtesy of Robert Greenwald:

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Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ)

Today’s NYTimes editorial page features a letter by Holt, touting his legislation to make paper trails mandatory for voting machines, as was endorsed by the Times on May 16th. Having read this endorsement on the day it ran, my first … Continue reading

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Portfolios A & B (consolidation)

I’m not sure if everyone can see the content of these links, but I’m posting them just in case: Portfolio A Portfolio B Porfolio B – transaction log (on Yahoo, when you sell all of your holdings in a stock, … Continue reading

Posted in Economics | 20 Comments

The SC Republican debate in 45 seconds

I saw this on Bill Maher’s show this past Friday:

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You Don’t Say…

Padilla Evidence Flimsy? – “This is what we wind up with after spending $20 million in prosecuting Padilla — a goddam form handed to a CIA agent by a stranger appearing out of nowhere in Afghanistan?” (Lewis Z. Koch @ … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Politics | 6 Comments

In Threes

You’ve got to feel like Michael Imperioli turned in his best work in this past episode, with the faces…the vehicle has something to do with it, but I don’t feel like there’s anyone who could have pulled it off for … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Video | 9 Comments

Warren Haynes – And It Stoned Me, Soulshine

Warren Haynes in the Red Rocks parking lot, as he’s done for years now before shows. First he covers Van Morrison and then it’s the ABB song ‘Soulshine’. Warren can belt it out…I consider him to be a virtuoso. What … Continue reading

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US Plans for Stealing Iraq’s Oil

Here’s a good one. Anyone who doesn’t believe our presence in Iraq was about plunder, the evidence is proving just that as the months of death drag on:

Posted in History, Military, Video | 1 Comment

Why Gas Prices Are High

The scheme is very simple. Oil companies are allowed to consolidate ownership of most US refineries over a number of years, and then collude to ensure no more are built. Once this dynamic is in play, and a friendly government … Continue reading

Posted in Economics, Video | 15 Comments

When You’re Feeling Blue, Call Al

You wont get any better advice from someone you pay to have listen to all the weepy nonsense running through that head of yours…and not only is this free, it’s your’s truly:

Posted in Religion, Video | 2 Comments

Bush’s Justice Gap

The Nation published ‘Dying for a Home‘ by Amanda Spake in February, about thousands being poisoned by formaldehyde in the air they breathe whenever in or around their FEMA trailer. It took two months for the MSM to report on … Continue reading

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Portfolio B (5/17/07)

Consolidating down to 11 stocks, I’ve recently gone in on STEM and added to my number of CNQ shares, while liquidating 6 stocks for $179K in cash. I’m looking closely at South Korean ADRs right now, and hope to allocate … Continue reading

Posted in Economics | 2 Comments

Does Yahoo! manipulate headlines to feature the word “Israel”

The link on the front page reads ‘Hamas militants fire rockets into Israel’, and the article has a different headline that reads ‘Deadly infighting rages in Gaza’. The battle is one sided, with Hamas sending mortar rounds into the compound … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, History, Politics | 9 Comments

A New Drug Policy?

With the crime post getting my head spun on the topic, I figured there was no better time than the present to drop this clip I’ve been holding on to for a while. The man speaking is the commander of … Continue reading

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