Boomers at work

I got this from an MSN article how older people can fit in at work when they have younger supervisors.

It’s hard on the ego for baby boomers to have a younger boss,” says Christine Hassler, a life coach, professional speaker and author. “Their parents taught them that seniority comes with age … having to answer to a younger boss goes against the model they subscribed to. Not only are boomers often embarrassed and angry that they are answering to someone their child’s age, they do not know how to relate to or connect with their boss and/or co-workers, which only makes them feel more separate.”

The part about senority seems to describe the presidential election perfectly. Older people thought that both McCain and Clinton deserved the presidency because they had been around so long. where people under fifty saw them as part of the problem and in my case, saw them as people trying to solve problems from fifty years ago.

Issues between the generations may be huge over the next twenty years. The world the baby-boomers entered is much different than the one they live in now. Some boomers seem to be set on returning the world to what it was like when they were born, even though the way they picture the world of the forties fifties and sixties are probably very different from how those days really were. In fact I would argue that the entire conservative movement is based on the idea that the U.S should return to those days. My guess is that as boomers die off so will that part of the conservative movement that longs for a return of the fifties.

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2 Responses to Boomers at work

  1. CulturalTrendsWatcher says:

    Interesting post and blog. Relevantly, many prominent experts and publications have pointed out that Obama is part of Generation Jones, born 1954-1965, between the Boomers and GenXers.
    This link takes you to a page you may find interesting: it has, among other things, excerpts from publications like Newsweek and the New York Times, and videos with over 25 top pundits, all talking specifically about Obama’s identity as a GenJoneser:

  2. John Rove says:

    Thanks for the link. I think intergenerational skirmishes may define a lot of our political discourse for the next few years.

    I wonder what will happen when generation car seat starts hitting the workplace.

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