In the current installment we have Republicans railing against tax increases, with numbers that lack context, and if you listen carefully, what they’re talking about is the fact that Bush’s tax cuts aren’t yet permanent. They expire in 2010. Also factoring into all this is the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), which has been a problem on the horizon for a number of years, and suddenly now that Republicans aren’t in charge of Congress, they’re appalled that it hasn’t been reinstated for the middle class families who need it. What is missing from this budget of course, are the tax cuts for estates, dividends, golf tees and cigars…all of which have been replaced with full funding for things like veterans’ benefits and even some left over for paying off the federal debt. A first clip here is from yesterday, and then I have two others from 2006.
Rep. Andrews explains it very well (2007)
Why Is This Man Smiling? (2006)
Frank: It’s Nice to Have Predictable Friends – “Moderate Republicans” (2006)
Hey, check this out
Economic growth, greater employment, and greater wages have all increased since the 2002 tax cuts.
caveat – I’m cross-posting my response to your post over at your site here, so it doesn’t look like I ducked you on this: