Lt. Col. Ralph Kauzlarich is obviously feeling put upon by all this attention being paid to how one of his soldiers died a couple years ago. The family just keeps asking questions, asking questions, asking questions, and now it has taken on a life of its own, with fine upstanding officers being confronted by civilians demanding answers. Rank being the grand potato masher on the inside, it takes some getting used to, all this ate-up weakness being celebrated out here like it matters, with a nonstop peddling of grievances that could make a soldier feel like one of
them desk jockeys answering questions on the phone all day about why their lights won’t go on anymore.
It’s because you didn’t pay your bill! And neither did this soldier or his family, and if you want to know why they’re embarrassing themselves out in front of the cameras day after day, Lt. Col. Kauzlarich can easily take a step out of the uniform…”in spirit” of course, since the job is one that frowns upon what he’s about to say…though considering who we’ve got in the White House, it isn’t something he has to worry about. So here it goes:
“When you die, I mean, there is supposedly a better life, right? Well, if you are an atheist and you don’t believe in anything, if you die, what is there to go to? Nothing. You are worm dirt. So for their son to die for nothing, and now he is no more — that is pretty hard to get your head around that. So I don’t know how an atheist thinks. I can only imagine that that would be pretty tough.” -Are the Tillmans’ religious beliefs a factor in the ongoing investigation?- “I think so. There is not a whole lot of trust in the system or faith in the system [by the Tillmans]. So that is my personal opinion, knowing what I know.”
Nice, huh? Kind of sums it all up…this unwillingness to simply shut up and go away when you’re told…it’s a testament to the general level of dysfunction known to run the brain of your average civilian heathen into the ground, most often taking as many innocent Christian soldiers down with them as they can. See, the man volunteered to serve his country, and what his country needed him to do was die, be celebrated, disappear. The Army realized he’d be more useful to recruit with dead than in a wheelchair babbling about how the war wasn’t legal…and convincing people to join wasn’t easy, so they decided to…eh…whatever, it’s not important. What’s important is that everyone understand that this is a real bummer for Lt. Col. Kauzlarich, his family and the other officers who were told to say or do something, and ever since then have been worried about a negative bullet point on their Officer Evaluation Report if they don’t keep saying it like the bosses want.
So he’s trying to help the Tillman’s out here, and in faith he figures the one thing they’d benefit most from would be to hear about what makes him feel better when his son dies in a war. To look up that chain of command and know in his heart that whatever happened is none of his business, and that his Officer Evaluation Report hung in the balance if he got to asking questions like a jerk, so he doesn’t. He has FAITH! The Tillmans don’t have an Officer Evaluation Report of their own, neither do they have a promotion to strive towards. And it’s so sad to think that once this entire charade is all over, they’ll have nothing to look forward to…whereas Lt. Col. Kauzlarich has another Officer Evaluation Report to look forward to next year and the year after that and so on…
“There is not a whole lot of trust in the system or faith in the system”
Jeez…and whose fault is that? You lied and told them their son was killed by enemy fire, and he wasn’t. See, the way trust works is you have to earn it. You’ve got a lot of earning to do before anybody trusts you again. That’s the way life and human relations work, at least for people who don’t have their heads permanently stuck in their back end.
Well, Kauzlarich only knows what he’s been taught. And we were the teachers. He was taught that religiously faithful people are more likely to submit to the command and control of the unitary executive. We taught him that we’re a nation of muffle-headed sheep who followed the cross into the voting booth then out to the battlefield, and sadly and resignedly accept the violent deaths of our sons and daughters as not only the will of god, but His Reward.
Somehow the Tillman boys didn’t get scoured out of the system.
Well, that’ll teach Pat Sr. to lead his family without Faith: instead of the Sweet Comfort of Jesus, he’s left with nothing. Can’t blame the Government for that! If only they had a little more Faith…
What it means to be from Maine…
(!) (!) (!) hell (!) (!) (!)
(!) (!) (!) yea (!) (!) (!)
I wonder how long it will before the rigt wing slime machine goes after the Tillman family and Jessica Lynch.
For people who claim to support the milatary conservatives sure spend a lot of time attacking people who have served in the milatary and their families.
I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop as well…
Clearly the majority is hoping for a Maxim photo spread and some quality made for TV docudramas…bad news is the scripts will take at least 32-48 more hours to finalize, and possibly 72 if they aren’t willing to pay top dollar.
For my money (pun…I’m broke like OJ), it gets no better than the reality show they’ve already got out on all this…streaming video from the CSPAN channel. Nobody gets boozed up and rowdy, but even without all that, it’s still good enough to tape.
Here is how you can make some money. Write an unauthorized biography about Cindy Sheehan, Pat Tillman, Jessica Lynch, or whomever the right wing is mad at that day. Make them look bad. Don’t worry about the facts and the conservatives will eat it up.
Army officers continue to be brainless.
They’re a menace – and once the rank they want next is within their grasp, they’ll sell their family into slavery to get it. Peter Pace was the last casualty…I didn’t read all of Woodward’s new book, but I did get the impression that Pace became a whore for the chance to be the top military liar in the whole outfit. Hope he’s proud of himself.
This administration chews up the credibility of anyone that goes near it. Think of the reputation Colon Powell had before he vouched for Cheney at the UN!