Monthly Archives: February 2006

UAE Port Deal – GOP and Logic – Strange Bedfellows

Driving my wife’s car today, I listened to a good deal of talk radio, and my brain is feeling the squeeze.  Sean Hannity was discussing the UAE port deal with Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and the discussion was something I … Continue reading

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A Little History Lesson

People fled Europe, crossed the Atlantic and violently severed ties with the king who aimed to rule them from across the ocean.  Some claimed a nice chunk of land and realized they could become rich growing a commodity that would … Continue reading

Posted in History, Words | 10 Comments

Killing All Kings

Cartoons, your version of Islam is 1% different than mine, western culture is making me horny and I don’t like it…whatever your reason for becoming a mass murderer, may I offer a bit of advice?  Get to work on killing the royal … Continue reading

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Retards Inc.

The caption says it all… Seriously now, fess up…who here watches this channel and why? 

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Too Funny!

I had to share this

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Iraq Vet Mutilates Wife

He had said he was having trouble controlling his anger and didn’t like his wife going out and partying, said Michael Collins, a nurse and case manager at Madigan Army Medical Center.  A day before his wife was found dead … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Words | 1 Comment

Faking Your Own Death

I was contemplating this today for whatever reason…something like this has to be handled just right, or you’re not getting a dime of that insurance money.  Best to involve a boat

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Bush’s First Veto

Could it be a bill littered with bacon, earmarks like this country has never seen before?  No…Bush has pledged to veto any kind of legislation that would prevent control over the management and security of US ports to the United … Continue reading

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Health Care in the Wild, Predators Versus the Herd

This universe in a bottle painted red, white and blue is comfortable.  Broken limbs, skulls and spirits number less inside than outside, belly full more often than pained empty, ecstatic glee over nothing in particular widespread from sea to shining sea.  … Continue reading

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UAE Guarding Our Ports

I’m sure everyone’s aware of the fact that a company from the United Arab Emirates has been awarded a contract to guard some of our nations most vulnerable ports.  Aside from the fact that 9/11 money was funneled through that … Continue reading

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Open Thread – Drop it like it’s hot

Auntie Erinn (Heather’s sister) is here for the weekend.  It’s a whole new experience having people over to stay now as opposed to the past five years of apartment living.  Not being regulated to one room where everyone will fit … Continue reading

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Hagel in 2008!

The discussion topic of ‘what makes a moderate’ over on Sonicrusk got me to thinking about the various Republicans I admire.  It’s a list that grows larger or shorter depending on what I happen to witness on CSPAN in a given week.  … Continue reading

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Invasion by Remote Control

by Right Thinker   In World War 2 American forces had to employ nuclear weapons and physically invade the islands of Japan to take control of the government, industry, media and the population. American armed forces fought for four long, hard … Continue reading

Posted in History, Religion | 25 Comments

What has happened to America’s Jesus?

I found this to be a great read.  The writer traveled to see family in Italy, and cites the differences between how Jesus is used here in America as opposed to overseas.  I’ve written on the topic numerous times, here’s a link to ‘Born … Continue reading

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Armstrong said she was watching from a car while Cheney, Whittington and another hunter got out of the vehicle to shoot at a covey of quail. Whittington shot a bird and went to look for it in the tall grass, … Continue reading

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Nothing to Say

Not true, but the difference between a blue and a white sky has a way of taking it’s toll on my motivation.  Politics are driving me nuts – this new budget is an abomination.  Tax cuts for the richest American … Continue reading

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I Applaud Brokeback Mountain

This movie should win every single Oscar it’s nominated for.  I’m probably never going to see it, but I’m behind it 100%.  High time we provided the cowboy hat wearing public with some sort of motivation to finally feel as stupid as … Continue reading

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How About These Idiots?

Cartoon Protests Deadly in Afghanistan Talk about uptight!  Those preachers got inside the heads of millions, and they’re not leaving anytime soon by the looks of it.  Now nobody in the world’s allowed to make fun of these idiots for … Continue reading

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Senate Oversight Committee Hearing on Warrantless Wiretaps

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Kurt Cobain

Not someone I’d expect spent a lot of time watching football…I’ve had a good feeling thinking he’s paying attention today.

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Terrorism = Organized Crime

I’ve made this connection in the past, and have written about it here many times.  The idea being, bombs won’t accomplish as much as solid case-work and efficient investigations.  In Iraq today, the insurgents receive funding from the country’s oil … Continue reading

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Health Savings Accounts

Employers and the uninsured are feeling the squeeze of skyrocketing medical costs, so the answer is what?  Do we look into why the cost of treatment here in America is more expensive than anywhere in Europe?  Perhaps we can allow … Continue reading

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Democrats Pick “Who?” to Respond to the SOTU?

Who the hell comes up with this?  Tom Kaine…governor from a Mason-Dixon line state, talking super slow, looking ridiculous on the wide-lens shot of what I figured must have been the ladies parlor of some church nearby.  I hate it … Continue reading

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Ode to a Pharmacist

You’re out there somewhere, looking in the mirror at yourself in that smart white smock, head full of usefull knowledge, and a certificate on the wall representing precisely why you’re making more money than the person stocking shelves.  When it … Continue reading

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Susan Brynne

She’s beautiful Right!  How’s little Susan and her momma doing? A Daughter is Born

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