Terrorism, drugs, gun crime, poverty, white collar hedonism, trafficking of humans in the sex biz, unfunded guaranteed subsidies for the disabled (oh yes, we’ve got those too), identity theft, religious cults…and the attorney general’s hit list has pornography at the top of his agenda. Not child porn mind you, but the LEGAL kind!
What a wonderful use of our borrowed Chinese bankroll! In a statement released just now, Gonzales says that right after the classified goals of ‘Operation Dirty Dildo’ are achieved, he’s planing on sending his underlings to Foxwoods casino, the Coors brewery and a few spots along tobacco road. By the time 2008 rolls around I’m sure we’ll all be well aware and thankful for the amount of legal activity our Justice Department has checked up on for us. But you know who’s really psyched about this new policy?
Update on this…I think: