I just came across this. Something about the new ownership of Air America attempting to default on a debt that was established by prior management. Something that’s not very out of character for American business executives in the year 2005, but shady regardless. Michelle Malkin links to this right-wing blog, and I wanted to link to it because it includes transcripts from the Jerry Springer show – and to get your take on whether obcession is playing a role in the writer’s life. If that’s even the word for it.
It’s radio. I’m sure there are some nuts out there with celebrity worship issues, but the ones with ‘celebrity hater’ complexes…those are the ones you need to watch. Springer is no John Lennon, but what the hell does he have to do with it anyway?
Jerry Springer Show
29 September 2005
Circa 0935SPRINGER: Jack in Gainesville, Fla, you’re on Springer on the radio, what have you got, Jack?
CALLER: Hey, Jerry, how you doing? It sounds to me like Tom DeLay just found a way around the law, which is what you Democrats–he out-twisted you basically. That’s what they did. That’s why they indicted him. He’s better doing this than even Clinton was. He found a way around it. He said “okay, we can’t contribute to Texas politicians with corporate things. You’ll contribute to a national group. We’ll mix all the money together, ‘cause you got individual contributors, and we’ll fund our political operations that way.”
But what about the Air America scandal and $800,000 from the Girls and Boys Club in the Bronx that has not been repaid and you work for them and you don’t even address it ever?
SPRINGER: Okay, uh, honestly. Uh, on some of the stations around the country, I’m on Air America. On some of the stations around the country, I’m not on Air America. So, uh, I, you know, I can’t answer that because the truth is I don’t know. Once I find something out about it, I’m willing to address it. I’m not dodging it all. Uh, but, you know, again, most of the people listening to me are not listening to me on Air America, so I can’t deal with that…