Category Archives: Words


Texas size regulations

Texas dosen’t allow people to get home equity loans that exceed 80% of the homes appraised value, essentially they have mandated that you must strive for 20% equity in your home; as much as I make fun of Texas this … Continue reading

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More prom news

As somebody who saw prom as a hassle I am uniquely ill suited to talk back about it, but… A bunch of her classmates started a Facebook group called “Constance quit yer cryin” to ridicule her. The attitude of the … Continue reading

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Who would Jesus shun

Christain mythology is not only dangerous it is incredibly mean spirited.

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Magical thinking from the right

Steve Benen talks about the differences between left and right policy goals: For the left, the goals relate to policy ends. We want to expand access to quality health care. We want to lower carbon emissions to combat global warming. … Continue reading

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Equality of the sexes

Probably not in a good way, but this certainly is interesting. According to Dr David Holmes, a psychologist at Manchester Metropolitan University, women are having more affairs than ever – recent studies say the figure is around 20 per cent … Continue reading

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More Church Sponsored Domestic Terrorism?

Ok, I will admit without any available facts I am pretty much just taking a page out of the FOX playbook, but… Update: I guess I should admit this looks like it was probably gang related violence, but I would … Continue reading

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An affordable and practical electric car?

Looks like Nissan is going to build an electric car for the masses.. The Nissan Leaf will have a range of 100 miles on a charge, which seems ample for most commutes. I wonder how many people will try to … Continue reading

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does anyone really believe in the free market?

From Matt Yglesias: This is how the political right operates—there’s a lot of rhetoric about free markets, and a lot of institutions that are staffed by people who very sincerely believe in free markets, but no real organized political movement … Continue reading

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Octamom makes good

Ok, not really but at least she is sort of using her celebrity for something worth while: Can you say “strange bedfellows”? Octuplets mother Nadya Suleman, whose financial troubles have been well-documented, has accepted an offer from People for the … Continue reading

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Church sponsored domestic terrorism

The Hutaree militia was hoping to kill police officers in preparation for the end of days: Conventional militia organizations are racing to distance themselves from the Hutaree — the Christian-based militia whose members were charged yesterday with conspiring to kill … Continue reading

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Is their anything farmers don’t whine about? And, most Tea partiers are unemployed so at least they have lots of free time to be idiots. Essentially the tea partiers are mad that government isn’t helping them, of course they bitch … Continue reading

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Not everyone likes Healthcare reform

Some smart people are not impressed with the bill passed last night: Both on substance and politics, better to pass it than not. It does not do the important work of sowing the seeds of the insurance industry’s destruction, leaving … Continue reading

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Healthcare reform!!!

So Healthcare reform has passed, a month or two ago it looked dead, but Obama and Co brought it back. I think later people will understand that obama’s best attribute is his persistance and steadyness. The White house lost the … Continue reading

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Anyone watching Caprica?

Anyone out there watching Caprica? When Zoe shot the dog I. Thought I was going to have to stop watching the show, but I guess all is well. Anytime you worship one all knowing being things are bound to go … Continue reading

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Stupak is a moron

One person tries to stop popular legislation and he can’t figure out why people are mad at him. I might have to scrounge up a few bucks to send to Bart Stupak’s primary challenger. I know someone is probably going … Continue reading

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Our sex-obsessed culture

I enjoy watching self righteous pricks get their comeuppance as much as anyone but this did happen twenty-five years ago, maybe he deserves a break. House Majority Leader Kevin Garn announced Saturday he was resigning from the Utah Legislature, two … Continue reading

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More prostate talk

Looks like someone else picked up on the prostate overtreatment issue: A kind of odd piece of conventional wisdom has hardened that it’s dishonest of Barack Obama or Matt Yglesias or anyone else to suggest that there are some free … Continue reading

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Lets talk about our prostate

I would love to talk more about this but this weekend is shaping up to be awfully busy but if you are a guy reading this might save you years of incontinence and impotence. EACH year some 30 million American … Continue reading

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The good enough marriage

From You don’t need NFL training to hurl a pizza across a New York City apartment. I found this out as I ducked to avoid my husband’s dinner (he didn’t fling it at me, he claims). “They folded the … Continue reading

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Health-care update

Republicans are trying to goad Democrats into making a big mistake and really that has been the Republican strategy from the beginning, keep Democrats from enacting a very popular peice of legislationa and then run on the idea that Democrats … Continue reading

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No solutions just anger

The New York Times profiles one of the tea bag leaders and she seems a little unsure of what needs to be done. Ms. Carender is less certain when it comes to explaining, for instance, how to cut the deficit … Continue reading

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Proud Right-wing terrorists

The family of Bin Laden wannabe Joe Stack speaks, and they are pretty disgusting.

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From the broken clock department

FOX news sort of gets something right: This week, a couple of conservative hosts on the Fox Business Channel seemed deeply concerned about premium rate hikes from California’s Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. They weren’t troubled by what the increases … Continue reading

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Is curling the only sport in the winter Olympics

Every time I try to watch the Olympics it is either Curling, or Hockey, which is really just Curling with pads. What happened to ski-racing and snowboarding? You know real sports.

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Over the past few years, I would say one of the few good decisions I have made was to buy a home, but it would seem I am in the minority. It would be great to see some of the … Continue reading

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Utah and the South

This sure looks like a map of the 2008 election. I wonder if insurance companies, deep down, want health reform to pass. And, if someone would just give me my own half-pipe I could win the gold. Update: the half-pipe … Continue reading

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At least he is being specific

A Utah legislature wants to eliminate the twelth grade to save money: The sudden buzz over the relative value of senior year stems from a recent proposal by state Sen. Chris Buttars that Utah make a dent in its budget … Continue reading

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No Megan debt is not income

Megan McCardle is a little clueless when it comes to finances: But do I think I would be noticeably more likely to die if I did give up my policy? Certainly not for the next twenty years, because I am … Continue reading

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The road towards cynicism

I am starting to agree with stuff like this: Republicans, to their credit, tend to prioritize their vision of the national interests over issues of process and ego. Democrats, by contrast, seem to have mostly gotten into politics in order … Continue reading

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I wish I wrote this

I wish I could write this good: Bankers are not the cause of the global economic crisis, according to the president of the Institute for the Works of Religion. Rather, the cause is ordinary people who do not “believe in … Continue reading

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