Category Archives: Words


Republican gains predicted by statistical theories

I thought this was one of the more interesting points made about the upcoming election and the likely republican gains: It is always worth beginning this conversation with a recognition that given where things stood in January 2009, large House … Continue reading

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another reason to be glad Obama is president

Things like this make me glad I voted for Obama For the first time in more than a decade, the federal government is funding sex education programs that aren’t based solely on abstinence. But they’re not just about handing out … Continue reading

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The throwback Pepsi diet

At the beginning of the summer i bought eight 12packs of Throwback Pepsi, which is Pepsi made with real suger rather than high fructose corn syrup. I stocked up mostly because I liked the taste, and I had also considered … Continue reading

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Work Americans won’t do

Before John McCain went crazy he talked about work Americans won’t do and the need for migrant workers. Looks like he was right.

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Reefer madness part?

Looks like not only is pot legalization very popular it seems to have a coattail effect: A ballot initiative to legalize marijuana in California could help propel endangered incumbent Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) to re-election in November, according to a … Continue reading

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Dog Blogging

Kip with the two tallest building in Denver in the backround. A couple of people have said that he looks to be deep in thought, the truth is, he was very interested in a squirrel.

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inflation versus employment?

I am starting to wonder if some people don’t see high unemployment as a benefit, After all it keeps inflation low and also leads to lower costs for businesses as desperate people will probably work cheaper. In fact any safety … Continue reading

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More children are living to adulthood

Seems like the best way to lower infant mortality is to improve living conditions. The highest child mortality rates are found in sub-Saharan Africa [EPA] The number of children who die before reaching their fifth birthday has fallen by a … Continue reading

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Nothing new with the tea-party

The tea party candidates may sound crazy but I don’t hear them saying anything diiferent that other republicans. They may not hide their racism as well as more polished candidates, but they are the same Reagan republicans that have been … Continue reading

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Know Your Enemy: NFL Week 1 Thoughts

Gregg Easterbrook is to Patriots Football as Fox News is to Democrats. Excerpt from TMQ’s NFL preview: Part 1, the AFC: “New England Patriots: By trading away veterans (Richard Seymour, Deion Branch) and endlessly trading down, New England attained a phenomenal 15 … Continue reading

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The Broncos

I have a feeling for most of the year the Broncos will be one good defensive player away frm winning a lot of games. Too bad they wasted a first round pick on a third round quarterback.

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Hatefest 9/11

After watching all the hate groups trying to exploit 9/11 by threatening to burn Koran’s or trying to exploit the day for financial gain, I don’t see how anyone can claim Christianity makes this country better. In fact, after watching … Continue reading

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Any grown-ups left in the republican party?

I have been traveling quite a bit the last few weeks which means I get to watch Fox news, while sitting around airport and hotel bars. First up was Sharan Angle, Harry Rieds opponent in Nevada. She still thinks that … Continue reading

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More Reefer Madness

Here is hoping I can make a link work from my ipad: “America’s policy for almost 70 years has been to keep marijuana—arguably no more harmful than alcohol and used by 15 million Americans every month—confined to the illicit market, … Continue reading

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Reefer madness

Looks like the opponents of prop 19 in California are going a little over the top. What is more interesting to me, where are the Libertarians, shouldn’t they be in favor of less regulation?

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Zombies get their day in court

As a huge zombie fan I am glad to see they are finally being given some respect by the legal system.

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Better living through chemistry?

Looks like pesticides may not be completely harmless to people after all. Exposure to organophosphate pesticides, especially prenatally, significantly increase susceptibility to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children born to Mexican American women in the Salinas Valley, an area of intensive … Continue reading

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Holy War!!!

This about says it all: I think it’s time to acknowledge what we are increasingly learning: the base of the GOP – aided and abetted by what’s left of their elites – want a religious war abroad and at home … Continue reading

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Colorado Republicans

The Republican nominee for governor thinks bike paths are part of a UN plot to make us all sissies, or something. And Ken Buck is the nominee for the Senate and he seems to be pro-incest and is definitely pro-rape … Continue reading

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“I am from Monsanto and I am hear to help”

Looks like genetically engineered crops are starting to mix with local weeds. Monsanto said this couldn’t happen, apparentely lieing is OK as long as it is to bolster the bottom line.

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Be afraid, be very afraid

Looks like their is a new “superbug” to worry about. Maybe one day, one of these bugs will turn out to be as nasty as they say it is going to be, but it seems like certain industries have an … Continue reading

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Rand Paul is a weird dude

Everyone needs to pray to the Aqua Buddha. On a related note, I wonder how many public figures openly mock religion behind closed doors, and then pretend to believe in when it gets them somewhere.

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It isn’t about skin color

Since 9/11 the fringe has decided it is OK to let their freak flag fly, what is kind of funny about it is maybe the U.S has fewer freaks than we thought, as TPM noted when a group of people … Continue reading

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Tax cuts don’t help

Perhaps the worst idea during the Bush years was not the war in Iraq, it was the tax-cuts. I bet if you did a graph you would see that the minute Bush and Cheney decided to let rich peoople have … Continue reading

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Who does Jesus hate this week

This week Jesus hates Muslims. At this point does anyone doubt that the wars in Iraq and Afganistan are at least partially motivated by the desires of christians to start a holy war.

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Being Christian means you don’t have to do your job

Back in the day Right thinker used to argue that pharmacists shouldn’t have to help women, or black people for that matter if they had a religous reason for being a douchebag. Looks like many christians thienk their religion allows … Continue reading

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Secrets for happy retirement

I got this from yahoo: A social network. The Greenwich study also found that having friends was far more important to retirement bliss than having kids. Those who have strong social networks are 30 percent happier with their lives than … Continue reading

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Latest tea-party hissy fit

The we are mad all the time crowd has manufactured another contraversy, this time over imagined racism. If you have ever dated a drama queen you can understand how the conservative movement operates and at some point you have to … Continue reading

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proud right-wing terrorist

If this guy wasn’t dangerous the story would be completely funny: A California man, whose mother said he was upset about Congress’ “left-wing agenda,” allegedly opened fire on police officers during a traffic stop in Oakland early Sunday morning… Another … Continue reading

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“We don’t need no paved roads’

This has shown up in a lot of places and it is certainly worth talking about: Paved roads, historical emblems of American achievement, are being torn up across rural America and replaced with gravel or other rough surfaces as counties … Continue reading

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