Category Archives: Words


At least it will create jobs

I have been trying to not talk about the republican primaries, mostly because everytime I predict Romneys demise his competition self destructs, but Herman Cain just had a great idea to create jobs. He wants to build an electrified fence … Continue reading

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The downwardly mobile

Matthew Yglesias looks at the middle class and concludes It’s not like households in the second quintile of the distribution don’t have refrigerators or chairs. They just have cheaper stuff. It’s perfectly possible for people in the top three quintiles … Continue reading

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Get healthy or else

Part of me thinks this is a good idea and part of me thinks that we don’t need to encourage health nazi’s. Basically the Clevelend clinic is trying to encourage/require it’s workers to behave in a healthy manner. They don’t … Continue reading

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Maybe it’s Romney

For some reason I am fascinated with morons courting republicans because it seems like such a mismatch, but it looks like they are about to bed down with Mitt. My guess is that hilarity will ensue but then again he … Continue reading

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It’s always been about punishment

Digby Has a great post up about the conservative need to turn everything into a judgement on peoples character. . Most people realize conservatism makes things harder for the low-income people, what they don’t seem to understand is that for … Continue reading

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And the winner is…

I guess Florida has. Strw poll poll today. My guess is that Rick Perry will win this pretty easily, even though a lot of smart people keep saying that he looked like a buffoon in the most recent debate I … Continue reading

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Romney is done

This Kind of echoes what I said about last weeks republican debate. Romney came out for social security, and many if not most republicans don’t like social security. My guess, is that most republicans really think non-whites somehow come out … Continue reading

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And the winner is…

I spent most the day driving across Utah and Colorado which means I get to listen to political analysis of the republican debate. On one hand people are saying Romney won because he talked about preserving social security and other … Continue reading

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Nicholas kristof is a douche bag

After a three year recession kristof asks if we dropped the ball on unemployment ya think. As near as I can tell from his column, he just noticed that white people can’t find jobs. Maybe it’s time to accept that … Continue reading

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John Galt wants a stadium to show his greatness

The NFL is supposed to be a multiple-billion dollar industry but they need taxpayer funding to help build a stadium?. If the NFL can’t make it without subsidies maybe it’s time to let it go the way of the buggy … Continue reading

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Huntsman tries to be the reasonable candidate

I have always wondered why Huntsman got into the presidential race, he has almost no name recognition, and in the current climate he has no chance of winning,But he might have a plan after all.. He seems to be staking … Continue reading

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The fake crisis

So we have a debt crisis? I am starting to think that market volitility is a perk not a bug of the current debate. What better way to get people to sell their stocks cheaply than to engineer a crisis. … Continue reading

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“negotiating with terrorists”

I guess don’t like being called fiscal terrorists. Maybe they should stop acting like them if they don’t like being compared to them. Of course the republican party and the conservative movement is built on hatred of the other so … Continue reading

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The shit sandwich may not be too bad

I don’t get all the details of the debt ceiling deal, but I do know it will be served with a side of Bush tax cuts expiring in 2012, if that doesn’t happen it’s just a shit sandwich.

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Time to shoot the hostage

The debt ceiling crisis has gotten out of control and the fiscal terrorists AKA republicans have shown they can’t be resonedWith, they can’t be bargained with and they will not stop until all brown people and most white people are … Continue reading

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What do republicans want

Kevin Drum asks what republicans want from their debt ceiling tantrum and and realizes they just want to have a tantrum.

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Maybe we are not so exceptional

This post from Matthew YglesiasMakes an interesting point, while discussing the merits of taxing the wealthy he points out that while Americans have a lot of stuff we are not really living that well. I’m all for that, but I … Continue reading

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“we hate them because they are unemployed”

A lot of companies won’t even interview people that are Unemployed. The article in the link does a nice job explaining the stated reasons companies don’t want to hire the unemployed, but I think misses the big point. Many people … Continue reading

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How it ends

Part of the reason Matthew Yglesias has been annoying lately Is that he may understand washington too well. And I think his prediction may be about right: — Debt ceiling hiked by $2 trillion and paired with $2 trillion in … Continue reading

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Debt “crisis” explained

Just a reminder that there is no debt ceiling crisis. There’s a fake crisis started by Republicans and then embraced by the White House so that everyone gets to use the fake crisis to try to do unpopular things in … Continue reading

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Missing the point on homeownership

Lately, it seems Mattew Yglesias may be a bit out of touch, This post is a good example. He is is arguing that homes are bad investment therefore people should be forced to put more money in 401k’s. The problem … Continue reading

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Romney is not going to heaven or the white house

Even though Mitt Romney is the current frontrunner for the Republican nomination, he might have himself a Mormon problem. It’s interesting to me that the Mormon church has spent a good deal of time and money trying to ingratiate themselves … Continue reading

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Micheal Vick, not a complete scumbag

Looks like micheal Vick is about to do something good Eagles quarterback Michael Vick is expected to appear before Congress today to support a bill that would make it a crime to attend a dogfighting or cockfighting event, according to … Continue reading

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“Royally screwed”

At least one person is not real optimistic that the is not too optimistic about the debt ceiling getting raised bu the August deadline: In the meantime, there’s at least a possibility that literally no solution can assemble 218 votes … Continue reading

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It’s July 14th do you know where your debt ceiling is

I don’t think people really believed republicans were crazy enough to bankrupt the country, but as the deadline approaches that may change. people always seem amazed when their conservative friends live up to their insane statements. But they shouldn’t be, … Continue reading

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And we now have the “grand bargain”

I don’t exactly get all the details but it sounds like republicans have given Obama the authority to raise the debt ceiling as long as they can whine about it. Gotta love the manly men of the republican party.

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The not so grand bargain

Looks like the debt ceiling compromise may be falling apart. Which is not too surprising, no self respecting tea bagger will ever vote to raise the debt ceiling, and will probably primary any republican that does vote for it. Smart … Continue reading

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Burn the mofo down and start over

Something new on the debt ceiling: As soon as this debt ceiling debate started, I figured the chances were incredibly high that Republicans would either take this to the wire or even refuse to raise the debt ceiling after the … Continue reading

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I don’t know what to make of this, but I am starting to think Isreal may be going off the deep end

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The grand bargain to end all grand bargains?

I don’t see this happening, according to TPM the white house agrees to trillions of dollars in spending cuts in exchange for letting some of the Bush tax cuts expire. Not only does it seem like a complete sellout on … Continue reading

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