Category Archives: Religion

Best ID Editorial…EVER!

If anyone had said to me a week ago that I’d be posting an editorial by Charles Krauthammer, you’d most likely have heard the racking of a shotgun and some mumbled warning about being on the wrong man’s property without … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 8 Comments

GAO Confirms FDA Put Ideology Before Science On Plan B

From Think Progress: The GAO has just released a long-awaited report documenting the politicized process that led the Food & Drug Administration to block over-the-counter (OTC) access to Plan B, the “morning-after pill,” in 2003.

Posted in Religion | 2 Comments

Check It

1. Meditate on This: Buddhist Tradition Thickens Parts of the Brain 2. N.J. Biologist Studies Ice-Hardy Worms 3. Caution over HIV ‘cure’ claims 4. Time’s 5 best governors in America 5. A divided Dover, Pa., votes out all 8 members … Continue reading

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Rape victim: ‘Morning after’ pill denied

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FIRST Openly Gay Roman Catholic Priest in Canada

Tonight on VisionTV’s 360 Vision Karl Clemens became the first Roman Catholic Priest to become openly homosexual in Canada. Here are some of the things he had to say with interviewer Kevin O’Keefe, I’m paraphrasing here as this just happened … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 2 Comments

An Unholy Alliance?

A TIME investigation shows the lobbyist now at the center of a federal probe had a good friend eager to open doors at the White House: former Christian Coalition chief Ralph Reed

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Pat Robertson threatens retaliation against conservative senators who oppose Miers

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Praise Jesus!

Once powerful Christian Coalition teeters on insolvency The Christian Coalition, the onetime powerhouse of the religious right founded by Pat Robertson, is struggling to stay afloat. The group’s annual revenue has shrunk to one- twentieth of what it was a … Continue reading

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Intelligent Design Blogs Present Their Case

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Dalai Lama Tells U.S. Crowd War Outdated


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Pat Robertson’s Katrina Cash

Imagine this – people who donate to the Katrina relief effort may in fact be handing their money over to the evangelicals! Makes you wonder, even after all that’s gone wrong, who Bush and his people are really serving with … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 14 Comments

Intelligent Design

This piece right here is probably the best thing I’ve read on the subject:

Posted in Religion | 1 Comment

Robertson Apologizes for Chavez Remarks


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Historical Iraq War Quotes

God told me to quit picking on stupid people, and since cable TV has so many options… Continue reading

Posted in History, Religion, Words | 6 Comments

Dobson Becoming Fallwell

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Please God, Put Santorum’s Script in Turnaround

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Our Value of Life

The value of life and how one perceives its application in nature is subject to two distinct systems of rationale.

Posted in Religion, Words | 9 Comments

Onward, Moderate Christian Soldiers

By JOHN C. DANFORTH, Episcopal minister and former Republican senator from Missouri.

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Born Again Christianity’s Jihad on America

Throughout my teenage years I was a born-again Christian. Now in my twenties, I’m not.

Posted in Religion, Words | 23 Comments

The Eye of a Storm

The wind howls outside this drafty window rattling like it has something to tell me. Amidst this oasis of political compromise in the Senate, something stirs beneath it all. Like this cold stormy May evening in New England, there’s an … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Politics, Religion | 5 Comments

Rogue Judges and Religious Oppression

Republicans are drumming up support amongst their base with tough talk of ‘rogue activist judges’ and the incredible danger they pose to our way of life. Bill Frist informs us that the judicial filibuster is, “being used against people of … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Justice, Politics, Religion, Words | 39 Comments

Fate of Humanity

Was said by the recently fallen Pope to be threatened because of our war in Iraq. If you’re watching the press conference of Scott McClellan (White House Press Secretary), he refers to the Pope and his belief in a ‘right … Continue reading

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Shiavo Smokescreen

As Congress winds down and their budget resembles the kind of hard work you and I would most likely get fired for turning in if we tried, Terri Shiavo has gone from being a woman on life support in Florida … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Politics, Religion | 1 Comment

Gay Rights and the System

A lot has been made of the effect gay parents would have on their children, and most of the negative claims are spoken of from a place of ignorance as there is hardly a substantial amount of research that has … Continue reading

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