Category Archives: Religion

Jesus the Executioner

In 1997, Huckabee claimed that Jesus would have agreed with him on supporting the death penalty. Shortly before a triple execution in Arkansas in Jan. 1997, a caller called into Huckabee’s show on Arkansas Educational Television Network and asking how … Continue reading

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Most Viewed Articles on Conservapedia

Here’s the link.  h/t The Antagonist 1. Main Page‎ [1,897,388] 2. Homosexuality‎ [1,488,013] 3. Homosexuality and Hepatitis‎ [516,193] 4. Homosexuality and Promiscuity‎ [416,767] 5. Homosexuality and Parasites‎ [387,438] 6. Homosexuality and Gonorrhea‎ [328,045] 7. Homosexuality and Domestic Violence‎ [325,547] 8. Gay … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Religion | 1 Comment

Cornell West & Mos Def

This is one of my own creations, cliped out of what I consider to be far and away the best episode of Real Time w/ Bill Maher this season.  Rahm Emanuel was also scheduled, but he didn’t show up.  What … Continue reading

Posted in History, Politics, Religion, Video | 1 Comment

Theocracy Now!

Max Blumenthal at the Value Voters Summit 2007 (at the end they honor James Dobson)

Posted in Politics, Religion, Video | 1 Comment

Bartolome de Las Casas

He was a Spainard who made the voyage to North America in the 1500s. The following work is a portion of his ‘Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies’, published in 1542. The first reading of this a while … Continue reading

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Sad Day For Pakistan

(AHN) The twin blasts that marred former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto return to Pakistan was the deadliest terror attack in the country’s history, with a death toll of 132 and more than 200 wounded. The figures are likely to rise, … Continue reading

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Peter Pace’s New Ride

Posted in Military, Religion | 1 Comment

The God Mafia

This is great – “how to order a hit using the Bible”. karl sent this over today: MEDIA ADVISORY, Aug. 14 /Christian Newswire/ — In light of the recent attack from the enemies of God I ask the children of … Continue reading

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The Bible warns of tough times ahead

This is pretty funny.  karl emailed it yesterday. KAMIAH, Idaho — Do you envision a dream home that shields you from nuclear holocaust? Marauding outlaws? Agents of Satan?  You’re in luck.  A $230,000, two-story, three-bedroom beauty nestled amid rolling pastures … Continue reading

Posted in Comedy, Religion | 5 Comments

Fortune Cookies

Either in school or on TV (or maybe I read about it), there was a study performed where 50 or so people were in a room and given a horoscope that was color-coded based on what the person’s sign was. … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Religion | 1 Comment

Woody Allen interviews Billy Graham (late 60s)

Outstanding find, Thank God For YouTube!!! Part 2 is below the fold. (H/T Andrew Sullivan, hockey assist Your Daily Awesome)

Posted in Religion, Video | 3 Comments

Our War Of Terror

I did see the movie “Borat” and yes, I am stealing that joke for the title of this piece. Our ‘War of Terror’ is defined by the applause that backs it up during an event like the Republican primary debate … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, History, Military, Politics, Religion | 4 Comments

When You’re Feeling Blue, Call Al

You wont get any better advice from someone you pay to have listen to all the weepy nonsense running through that head of yours…and not only is this free, it’s your’s truly:

Posted in Religion, Video | 2 Comments

Staying With Charlie Babbitt

Reverend James Dobson (5/14/07): “I was invited to go to Washington DC to meet with President Bush in the White House along with 12 or 13 other leaders of the pro-family movement. And the topic of the discussion that day … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Politics, Religion | 15 Comments

Out of Touch

1. On Sunday, Paul Barnes, founding pastor of the 2,100-member Grace Chapel in this Denver suburb, told his evangelical congregation in a videotaped message he had had sexual relations with other men and was stepping down. “I have struggled with … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Religion, Words | 2 Comments

From the Protestant Reformation to Focus on the Family

“We ought to embrace the whole human race without exception in a single feelilng of love; here there is no distinction between barbarian and Greek, worthy and unworthy, friend and enemy, since all should be contemplated in God, not in … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 10 Comments

700 Club Transcript

Pat:  There’s no question…that the rain today in the northeast region of the nation, the home of New-YOrk CITy, the breeding ground of sin, and Massachusetts with their judiciary willing to risk the lives of CHRISTIANS EVERYWHERE by spitting into … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, Words | 2 Comments

Feds out to nab ‘The Prophet’

As a matter of principle, polygamy doesn’t offend or scare me in any way.  My belief is that families are the engine that runs every successful nation in the world, and as long as whoever is up to it, more power … Continue reading

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The Davinci Code – Part 2 (a Movie with Tom Hanks)

This is going to cause a lot of babbling when it comes out.  Expert analysts on the TV hashing it out for days.  As if…what?  We censor it?  On Malacay in Kansas’s behalf?  We pass a law, and anything Malacay finds … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, Words | 12 Comments

Birth Control is Unacceptable in Missouri

Sex is natural and a lot of fun…so we need to do something about that.     JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – An attempt to resume state spending on birth control got shot down Wednesday by House members who argued it would have … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, Words | 8 Comments

Becoming a Jew

Watching the Oscars tonight, Heather and I basically agreed upon something we’d both thought a lot about in recent years…becoming Jews.  Blood is a factor, the generations of people who came before us, toiled and suffered, so we could have … Continue reading

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Invasion by Remote Control

by Right Thinker   In World War 2 American forces had to employ nuclear weapons and physically invade the islands of Japan to take control of the government, industry, media and the population. American armed forces fought for four long, hard … Continue reading

Posted in History, Religion | 25 Comments

What has happened to America’s Jesus?

I found this to be a great read.  The writer traveled to see family in Italy, and cites the differences between how Jesus is used here in America as opposed to overseas.  I’ve written on the topic numerous times, here’s a link to ‘Born … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 21 Comments

How About These Idiots?

Cartoon Protests Deadly in Afghanistan Talk about uptight!  Those preachers got inside the heads of millions, and they’re not leaving anytime soon by the looks of it.  Now nobody in the world’s allowed to make fun of these idiots for … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, Words | 15 Comments

Ode to a Pharmacist

You’re out there somewhere, looking in the mirror at yourself in that smart white smock, head full of usefull knowledge, and a certificate on the wall representing precisely why you’re making more money than the person stocking shelves.  When it … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, Words | 28 Comments

Schadenfreude – Entertainment for Men

I’ve never been coy or remorseful in my feelings on revenge. People who’ve done me wrong often occupy my thoughts when the AM minutes and hours are so slowly ticking away

Posted in Religion, Words | 7 Comments

Dingell’s Holiday Jingle

Congressman John D. Dingell (MI-15) recited the following poem on the floor of the US House of Representatives concerning House Resolution 579, which expressed the sense of the House of Representatives that the symbols and traditions of Christmas should be … Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 10 Comments

Religion Rant

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Why Does FoxNews Hate Jews?

For the life of me, I can’t figure out why this ‘Christmas Under Siege’ campaign has become such an annual push on FoxNews. Bill O’Reiley’s got a list of stores on his website who supposedly piss on the feet of … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, Words | 6 Comments

“Hello Springfield High! Your principal invited us here today to sing you a few songs about Hell, and why it’s full of Liberals!”

You are an American high school student with a lot on your mind. Classes to pass, popularity to maintain and thousands of other things that matter to you now, but are insignificant to the adults that surround you. Because adults … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, Words | 9 Comments