Category Archives: Politics

Karl Rove Linked to Siegelman Prosecution

(Harpers) “For months, the Alabama Republican machine has attempted to brush off claims about Rove’s involvement as some sort of fantastic speculation. Those efforts have just been exploded. We are one step closer to understanding why Karl Rove left the … Continue reading

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How to Conduct a Book Interview

I had to share these two clips from last week’s Daily Show. The first is Stewart interviewing Chris Matthews, whose book is a waste of money apparantly: Then the show’s take on Bush’s SCHIP veto:

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Rep. Peter Visclosky (D-IN)

(TPMmuckraker) “Rep. Peter Visclosky (D-IN) earmarks over $7 million for a technology start-up incubator to be built in his state. The first five businesses to take up residence in the new building are all clients of the lobbying firm PMA. … Continue reading

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Voter Fraud in Texas

This is interesting – a news clip from Texas, where the state legislature has a rule on the books saying representatives can’t cast votes for one another, yet the video footage shows many of them casting several votes. Where the … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Video | 7 Comments

The Iran War

This is its genesis right here – text of an amendment to the defense authorization bill (note that paragraphs 3 and 4 were removed from the final version, and 5 remained): (1) that the manner in which the United States … Continue reading

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Chuck Hagel on Petraeus/War Policy

I’ve been trying to rip Hagel’s speech and questions to Petraeus and Crocker at last week’s day 2 hearing from CSPAN’s website, but my computer is barely a step up from an abacus, so every time I try, only the … Continue reading

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The Rundown 9/12/07

General Petraeus has a boss, CENTCOM Commander Admiral William Fallon, and he told his subordinate in March that, “[Petraeus, you’re] an ass-kissing little chickenshit. I hate people like that.” ~~ Two suicide bombings that killed (at least) 50 people in … Continue reading

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Petraeus the Magnificent – Day One Review

The books are cooked, and Petraeus is going to be looking bad once this week is through. He’ll attempt to babble through his inquisitor’s time in the next two days, but it will only get tougher tomorrow. I watched a … Continue reading

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Petraeus the Magnificent

In the United States, as opposed to Pakistan or some banana republic south of Texas, the military is told what to do by civilians, and that dynamic alone, established well before wars in Korea and Iraq could have been imagined, … Continue reading

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Conservatism’s failures for Katrina

Liberal Oasis – Bill Scher’s radio program – Part 1 Part 2

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Mike Gravel – Must See!

This is a brilliant turn from Mike Gravel…this discussion right here was better than anything that happened on the actual show. Check this out, 5 minutes: Bonus: Gary Shandling from overtime

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Time to cut Edwards some slack

As disinterested as I am in the Presidential races at this point, I do have to get behind this sentiment right here, printed in Time magazine. John Edwards and Barack Obama have both been impressive, but the media’s take on … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Politics | 7 Comments

Don Siegelman

I don’t know if any of you have been following this story, but with the resignations of Gonzo and Turd Blossom this past week, I’ve got a sense that this man is at the center of why they’re suddenly gone.  … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Justice, Politics | 1 Comment

Sen. Craig Endorsing Mitt Romney

This is outstanding…the Romney campaign pulled the video off of YouTube, but it couldn’t be buried deep enough. 

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Larry Craig from Idaho

Do Republicans keep electing these clowns so the rest of us will have something to laugh at? Sen. Larry Craig (R-Idaho) was arrested in June at a Minnesota airport by a plainclothes police officer investigating lewd conduct complaints in a … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Words | 6 Comments

Domain names Rove has registered

From Harpers: A partial list of Internet domain names registered by Karl Rove in an attempt to prevent others from establishing mock websites. … Continue reading

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Birds of a Feather

Fatigue cripples US army in Iraq Memo shows [Utah] mine owners already knew they had roof problems in March Texas girl in [taxpayer funded] “boot camp” is tied to a van and dragged Cheney in ’94 on why it would be stupid … Continue reading

Posted in History, Justice, Military, Politics, Video | 2 Comments

Is Bush Due for a Colin Blow?

karl writes in an email: “Maybe if Powell comes forward the democrats will get enough courage to end this debacle” Of all the former Bush administration officials whose advice was ignored — to disastrous effect — in the run-up to … Continue reading

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WHA’ HAPPENED? (here are our Democrats) there can be something worse in politics than having no power, it would be to have power, but no clue about what to do with it. Chipping away at the Bush administration via subpoenas and committee hearings is starting … Continue reading

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Videos – 4 for $0.00

Bernie Sanders (I-VT) fights Bush Nominee on WalMart tax breaks The History of Nixon and the Future of Cheney TDS-Gonzo-Mountain (Hillarious!)

Posted in Comedy, Politics, Video | 2 Comments

The Bush administration’s code of silence

by Sidney Blumenthal (Guardian UK)Omertà (or code of silence) has become the final bond holding the Bush administration together. Honesty is dishonourable; silence is manly; penitence is weakness. Loyalty trumps law. Protecting higher-ups is patriotism. Stonewalling is idealism. Telling the … Continue reading

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Ted Kennedy on Health Care

The boys were upstairs for their nap, and I was struggling energy-wise in a bad way due to back to back 3AM school nights (drinking coffee right now at 11PM, so…). These days I like to get some work done … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Video | 10 Comments

Hysterical Blindness

(Reuters) The FBI and IRS have searched the home of Republican Sen. Ted Stevens in a ski resort in Alaska as part of an investigation into his links with an oil-services company, officials said on Monday. …that might make your … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 2 Comments

American Blackout – Documentary on Voting Rights

I’m not sure how many, if any, of the readers of this blog actually watch these long videos I post from time to time, but my idea in doing so is that a single viewer is enough to justify posting … Continue reading

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Blackwater = Border Patrol?

7/25/2007: “Guard’s Border Mission to be Halved” — The number of National Guard troops along the Arizona-Mexico border will be trimmed in half by the end of next month. As the presidentially mandated Operation Jumpstart mission begins its second year … Continue reading

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Life During Wartime

Justice at Stake: Ensuring That Prisoners in the U.S. Are Never ‘Disappeared’- by Shahid Buttar, posted at The Peace Tree Hadrian’s Forum: “The American founding fathers were well versed in Roman history. People such as Washington, Madison and Jefferson, were … Continue reading

Posted in Justice, Military, Politics | 3 Comments

Chickenhawks, Scapegoats, Don Young’s Teeth

Max Blumenthal – College GOP Convention Keith Olbermann – Special Comment “Scapegoat”

Posted in Comedy, Military, Politics, Video | 7 Comments

Iraq Debate – Senator Landrieu

Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA)!!!! I watched a few hours of this yesterday and overnight, but this clip right here was the most impressive speech I’ve heard on Iraq in a long time. (h/t Crooks and Liars) Senator Durbin explaining the … Continue reading

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The Blame Game – ‘Oil or Bust’ Edition

Saudi Arabia is responsible for the majority of foreign fighters in Iraq1, and in terms of funding2, has for decades been facilitating the flow of funds from collection plates to madrassahs in places like Pakistan, and also to finance jihad3 … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Politics | 2 Comments

Jim Webb vs. Lindsey Graham

Webb is probably the first senator I’ve seen on one of these weekend shows throw down on behalf of the troops.  He is pointing out how ridiculous Graham, McCain and others sound when they say, “I’ve spoken to the troops, … Continue reading

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