Category Archives: Politics

Ron Paul People

Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty fucking serious about their candidate.

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Today, in Dover, Francine Torge, a former John Edwards supporter, said this while introducing Mrs. Clinton: “Some people compare one of the other candidates to John F. Kennedy. But he was assassinated. And Lyndon Baines Johnson was the one who … Continue reading

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Joe Lieberman

Joe Lieberman is Gollem, and this storyline (Lieberman Endorses McCain) connecting him with McCain is Tolkenesque in that two men who had been considered in the past as throw-backs to a time when the Senate was occupied by men whose … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Politics | 3 Comments

War Critics Obama, Ron Paul Get Most Military Donations

Don’t let your beloved Bauer-heads catch wind of this fun fact…they might break out in a rage and start torturing your pets. (HuffingtonPost) Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Ron Paul have little in common politically, except their opposition to the … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Politics | 2 Comments

Randi Rhodes

This one’s a bit long (35 minutes), but it’s one of those speeches that define a moment so perfectly, that it will represent what a person is remembered for longEine Pokerwettrunde beginnt durch den online poker links vom Geber. after … Continue reading

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Jesus the Executioner

In 1997, Huckabee claimed that Jesus would have agreed with him on supporting the death penalty. Shortly before a triple execution in Arkansas in Jan. 1997, a caller called into Huckabee’s show on Arkansas Educational Television Network and asking how … Continue reading

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Earth to Mitt

Romney during the debate: Every time I listen to someone like John Edwards get on TV and say there are two Americans, I just want to — I just want to throw something at the TV, because there are not … Continue reading

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Most Viewed Articles on Conservapedia

Here’s the link.  h/t The Antagonist 1. Main Page‎ [1,897,388] 2. Homosexuality‎ [1,488,013] 3. Homosexuality and Hepatitis‎ [516,193] 4. Homosexuality and Promiscuity‎ [416,767] 5. Homosexuality and Parasites‎ [387,438] 6. Homosexuality and Gonorrhea‎ [328,045] 7. Homosexuality and Domestic Violence‎ [325,547] 8. Gay … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Religion | 1 Comment

GOP Outsourcing of Election Fraud

The push to get a ballot initiative on how California’s electoral votes are cast in the Presidential election is gaining signatures. How are Republicans accomplishing this?

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Cornell West & Mos Def

This is one of my own creations, cliped out of what I consider to be far and away the best episode of Real Time w/ Bill Maher this season.  Rahm Emanuel was also scheduled, but he didn’t show up.  What … Continue reading

Posted in History, Politics, Religion, Video | 1 Comment

My Lieberman for VP Prediction

(h/t Think Progress) I’d had a feeling for a while that McCain and Lieberman had made a deal, and now that McCain is all but out of the race, here come the neocons to try and rescue Lieberman. I can’t … Continue reading

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Wind Farm

1. National Review (pro-GOP publication) – Immigration, Proving Not a Silver Bullet For the GOP – “Not a great Election Day for Republicans yesterday. We can argue about how big illegal immigration will play in next year’s elections nationwide, but … Continue reading

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Olbermann on Torture

A Special Comment on torture:

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Theocracy Now!

Max Blumenthal at the Value Voters Summit 2007 (at the end they honor James Dobson)

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Colbert Drops Out

It took a few days, but I finally ran into the perfect piece to describe the Stephen Colbert for President phenomenon. Think of political press corps as that fat kid from Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory, Augustus Gloop. For … Continue reading

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Political Clips

The Politics of Parsing The Politics of Douchebagery

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Rudy in a nutshell

Joe Biden sums it up perfectly:

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Secretary of _______ Wesley Clark

Intellectual dishonesty in politics is a parasite in search of an ambitious host. The transformation that takes place inside the body of an infected politician, especially one hanging onto someone else’s coattails for dear life, is embarrassing to witness first … Continue reading

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Chris Dodd – A Brilliant Floor Speech

Check this out. In 8 minutes, Dodd runs through just about everything. No meandering. This man needs to be the senate majority leader. What I saw and heard here had ‘Profiles in Courage’ potential.

Posted in History, Politics, Video | 1 Comment

Bartolome de Las Casas

He was a Spainard who made the voyage to North America in the 1500s. The following work is a portion of his ‘Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies’, published in 1542. The first reading of this a while … Continue reading

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The Kindness of Stangers

By Robin Fox, from an essay in the September/October issue of Society. Fox is a professor of social theory at Rutgers and the author, most recently, of Participant Observer: Memoir of a Transatlantic Life. His “Human Nature and Human Rights” … Continue reading

Posted in History, Politics | 1 Comment

A Mr. Fish Cartoon


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Deval Patrick Endorses Barak Obama

In Boston there was a rally 9,500 strong, and Governor Patrick introduced Barak Obama: “I’m in love with Massachusetts And the neon when it’s cold outside And the highway when it’s late at night Got the radio on I’m … Continue reading

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No Lake, No Trout

I. (TPMmuckraker – Iraq Revokes All Contractor Immunity – Spencer Ackerman) “The metaphorical statue of L. Paul Bremer III has come crashing down. Today the Iraqi government formally revoked one of the Coalition Provisional Authority’s enduring vestiges — a decree … Continue reading

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Lake Trout

I.  Two Republican representatives, both of whom I think the worst of as a rule, seem to be battling against Cheney over the White House’s leaking of false information that indicates Israel struck a nuclear facility in Syria that was … Continue reading

Posted in Justice, Military, Politics | 1 Comment

Garry Kasparov – Educating America

This is a brilliant man who I have written about in the past (Somewhere between Belarus and Zimbabwe). In this interview he explains the geopolitical strategy for Russia, which is entirely about keeping the Middle East embroiled with tension so … Continue reading

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bBlogBouillabaisse – DiceK in Game Seven

Pam’s House Blend: “Rudy flip-flops on marriage amendment — and still fails to win over Values Voters”  Straw Poll Results: Name … Percentage 1. Mitt Romney … 27.62% 2. Mike Huckabee …27.10% 3. Ron Paul … 14.98% 4. Fred Thompson … Continue reading

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Senator Dodd (D-CT) Does the Opposite

This is encouraging.

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Senator Rockefeller (D-WV) – Selling Us Out

I’ve been watching this immunity story like a hawk, but haven’t had the time to comment on it here.  This post I found after reading TPMmuckraker’s front page today was too good not to share.  I’m posting the first 2 … Continue reading

Posted in Justice, Politics | 2 Comments

Tom Delay in ‘How To Steal An Election’

Must see TV

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