Category Archives: Politics

15 seats, none for single-payer

We’d love more of this! <video></video>

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Gingrich in 2012

You Douche!! could have drank at the bar we’ve always gone to and spent half the fucking money, but NO…

Posted in Economics, Politics, Video | 2 Comments


That poor 2 year old……oh boy, how about some sanity….look, obviously our system of government is a failure, and we need to try something else. Let’s make Obama “king for life” and hang every elected Senator and Representative we can … Continue reading

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Loving It!

More Tea Party video

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Burn the Books!

This is so fun to watch! One of those ‘tea parties’

Posted in Comedy, Economics, Politics, Video | 1 Comment

Mark to market accounting

Rep. Grayson hits this out of the park again…pay attention to what is said after the 4th minute especially

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Keep an eye out for this guy

Nice clips – a freshman Rep from Florida

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Jack and Rod on Politics

Special guest – Brutus Kennedy Rutherford III

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Grown Locally

Obama’s looking to make certification of organics & crop insurance for organics more affordable. He also wants to “promote regional food systems.” This is a great idea. Having the government support local farming rather than the big producers means higher … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Politics, Video | 16 Comments


Posted in Politics, Video | 2 Comments

Best Campaign Ad So Far

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Keating Economics

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On top of his game

Obama “I ain’t scared of you m*****f******!” –

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Wesley Clark on McCain’s Military Credentials

How about this?

Posted in Military, Politics | 2 Comments

I Applaud This Strategy

Hoping for as much of this as we can possibly get between now and November!

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Obama Speaking to Staff

June 6, 2008 –

Posted in History, Politics, Video | 3 Comments

The voices of veterans

As much of this as they can afford to pay for!компютри втора употреба

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Politics | 1 Comment

You Fucking Crybaby Suckers

You volunteered for the military, so eat shit and be thankful for it! This guy is arguing that since a teenager volunteered for the Army, it means they really want to be a soldier for the rest of their life…right…no … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Politics, Video | 1 Comment

The Reverend Wright Gambit

It’s hard to get around the fact that this is an example of Obama playing on the stupidity of the media to get Hillary off of the television screen.  It is a fact that by having him up in front … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Politics | 1 Comment

Bosnia and Back Again

Very well done…

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Obama on Last Night’s Debate

One cool customer…

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The Turning Point

Senator Voinovich A big moment…

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Randi Rhodes

I guess you can’t have a radio show and be controversial at the same time…she should sue Air America. To me it looks like she’s doing an appearance somewhere. So if her contract doesn’t stipulate what she can and cannot … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Politics, Video | 1 Comment


I guess CNN scrubbed the transcript:

Posted in Politics, Video | 3 Comments

Going off on a storm trooper

There’s this idiot over at Control Congress named bb who back in November agreed to wager on which party would win in 2008. I’ve been working hard lately, so the blog world is pretty much dead to me. Never forgetting … Continue reading

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Obama’s speech on economics


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Obama’s Speech on Race

One of the best speeches in my lifetime:

Posted in Al Swearengen, History, Politics | 1 Comment

Harper’s Weekly Review (part)

“…Dwarf thieves had infested Swedish buses,9 Lithuania was pondering changing its name,10 and a plot by retired Turkish Army officers to kill Nobel Laureate Orhan Pamuk was foiled. 11 Police in Malda, India, were battling avian flu by conducting a … Continue reading

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Election Shenanigans in New Hampshire on top of things up in New Hampshire:

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Mississippi mud

This is a good one… (Lead Story – NYTimes Sunday Business Section – By NELSON D. SCHWARTZ) …Linking Mr. Scruggs, Mr. Patterson and other figures in the case is an obscure former college football star, farmer and politically well-connected adviser … Continue reading

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