Category Archives: Military

Army recruits shortfall blamed on Iraq war critics

By Vicki Allen – Thu Jun 30, 5:17 PM ET

Posted in Military | 7 Comments

An Army Poised to Snap

Posted in Military, Words | 6 Comments

Born Under Punches

So let’s get something straight right now. To point out that our military has been overextended, taken for granted and neglected, that’s no criticism of the military. That is criticism of a president and vice president and their record of … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Words | 2 Comments

$93 Billion Doesn’t Buy What it Used To

It was some terrific news this past week to know that three drunk teenagers were able to steal an airplane and tool around in New York’s airspace for five hours without anyone knowing.

Posted in Military, Words | 1 Comment

Releasing Terrorists to Fight Again?

One of President Bush’s news conferences earlier this week concerning detainees at Guantanamo contained an extremely rare snippet of candor.

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Marine Units Found to Lack Equipment

Posted in Military | 13 Comments

You Can’t Handle the Truth!

This hoopla over Dick Durbin’s statement comparing our handling of the war in terms of the detainees at Guantanamo Bay is in a lot of ways just the same old gripe from the right.

Posted in Military, Words | 31 Comments

Delivering Iraq to the Iraqis

When it was time to revolt against the British, the Continental Congress chose George Washington to lead the fight.

Posted in Military, Words | 9 Comments

Pat Tillman’s Parents Abandon Script

In the days since I first read this story, there’s been a number of articles written that leverage Tillman’s parents’ statements to fit a larger argument against government secrecy. And while secrecy is part of this case, the larger problem … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military | 19 Comments

Operation Win The War

“The day will come when we will rule America. The day will come when we will rule Britain and the entire world – except for the Jews. The Jews will not enjoy a life of tranquility under our rule because … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Politics | 17 Comments

America’s Foreign Policy Filter

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan good, Iran and Iraq bad. To the country that reportedly houses Osama Bin Laden within its borders, Harpoon and Sidewinder missiles. To the country that raised it’s little boys to become suicide bombers on 9/11, a … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Politics | 24 Comments

A Minefield of Quotas, Recruiters Beware

Anyone whose been exposed to the story of a sting operation on a recruiter by a boy named David McSwane, might be wondering what kind of people these recruiters were. How could a soldier in the United States Army in … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military | 15 Comments

‘No Catch’ Entitlements for Veterans

During September of 2004, the VA hospital in Walla-Walla, WA had a total of 25 patients who had to wait up to 1-30 days and 1 patient who had to wait 30-60 days for medical treatment. As of this very … Continue reading

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The Cowardice Behind Our Patriotism

Doesn’t the recruiting shortfall in this country indicate something about the mission? If every bumper sticker proclaiming ‘support’ for the troops equaled an enlistment, there wouldn’t be enough rifles to go around.  Perhaps this is one of those unpleasant truths … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Politics | 29 Comments

What Happened to ‘Support the Troops’!?!

I just heard a 78 year old WW2 veteran on Limbaugh’s program who said that his prescription cost through the VA during the 90s was $32 dollars a month.  Under Bush it has gone up to over $90, and the … Continue reading

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Wake Up and Smell the Motives

Not even a quarter century after the Cold War ends, the two great super-powers find themselves scratching their heads.  In both cases the gruesomely attacked nations have had a deep history of exploiting and/or murdering the very groups of humans … Continue reading

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Biological Backlash

With Reagan no longer incapacitated but on the other side, maybe it’s now pertinent to mention that he had partnered up with Saddam a few decades ago to engage in war against Iran.  With support of the United States, Iraq … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, History, Military, Politics | 6 Comments

What About The Troops?

Again the plight of our soldiers has been widely ignored.   Some of which are now being recalled after already being discharged for a few years. Conscription is the word to describe the practice of recalling soldiers who have already been … Continue reading

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