Category Archives: Military

Player Piano – Chapter 7

by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.    PRIVATE FIRST CLASS ELMO C. HACKETTS, JR., approached the Shah of Bratpuhr, Doctor Ewing J. Halyard, of the State Department, Kashdrahr Miasma, their interpreter, General of the Armies Milford S. Bromley, General William K. Corbett, … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 6 Comments

Soldier I Just Spoke With

He walked into the mini-mart with his Class A uniform on, specialist, with three rows of medals and a mountain division patch. I asked if he was stationed at Fort Drum, he was. Asked if he was deploying to Iraq … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Words | 20 Comments

Information Dump

A. Scalia:  “…proudest thing I have done on the bench…” HARTFORD, Conn. — Conservative U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had some advice Wednesday for those who questioned his impartiality after he refused to recuse himself from a case involving … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 11 Comments

Military to Society: “We’re staying until when now?”

Published in both the European and Middle Eastern versions of Stars and Stripes. The military’s voice is going to be heard throughout all of this, so when certain politicians and pundits pretend the word of the top general is the … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Words | 14 Comments

A Few Bad Apple Trees

Task Force 6-26, a unit whose name and location changes based on how much heat they’ve got on them at a given time, whether it’s the Pentagon, CIA, FBI or the slabs of meat known to most of the world … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military | 33 Comments

Pat Tillman’s Parents Abandon Script

First Posted on 5/27/05: In the days since I first read this story, there have been a number of articles written that leverage Tillman’s parents’ statements to fit a larger argument against government secrecy. And while secrecy is part of this … Continue reading

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Iraq Vet Mutilates Wife

He had said he was having trouble controlling his anger and didn’t like his wife going out and partying, said Michael Collins, a nurse and case manager at Madigan Army Medical Center.  A day before his wife was found dead … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Words | 1 Comment

Study: Army Stretched to Breaking Point

This picture is too funny!  Army troops from Fort Riley, Kan., listen to President Bush deliver a speech about the war on terror during the Landon Lecture at Kansas State University Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 in Manhattan, Kan.. (AP Photo/Charlie … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 5 Comments

Born Under Punches (Repost)

Having written this about 6 months ago, I was drawn back to it for some reason. Perhaps it’s the military theme of my writing this past week, but for anyone who hasn’t read it, I feel it’s just as apt … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Words | 4 Comments

Purple Heartbreakers

By James Webb, a secretary of the Navy in the Reagan administration, was a Marine platoon and company commander in Vietnam. IT should come as no surprise that an arch-conservative Web site is questioning whether Representative John Murtha, the Pennsylvania … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 9 Comments

Body Armor Blues

Soldiers preparing for deployment to Iraq were told on Friday that the Dragon Skin body armor that some had spent over $4,000 on, could not be used once they touched down in theater. Penalty for using non-issue body armor ‘could’ … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Words | 14 Comments

Soldiers sue for reimbursement

These guys were, and continue to be screwed over in this situation. I haven’t had the stomach to tackle the whole body armor revelation from the Pentagon just yet, but this story surely kicks my appetite up a notch…in the … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 6 Comments

Bush Administration Launched Secret Smear Campaign on Murtha

Came across this tonight, and it made sense as there hasn’t been a military commander yet who has come out against the congressman. The Bush Administration first attacked Rep. Murtha for his Iraq views by associating him with the filmmaker … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 3 Comments

Bush Thinks He’s Your Father

“When you’re risking your life to accomplish a mission, the last thing you want to hear is that mission being questioned in our nation’s capital,” he told cadets. “I want you to know that, while there may be a lot … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Words | 28 Comments

Cheney Picks a Fight With a Marine

The Nation

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Meet Sgt. Abe, the Honest Recruiter

Sgt. Abe’s Site

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GOP: “Attention freeloaders! The war’s over, get lost.”

Veterans Lash Out at Loss of Voice on Capitol Hill

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Harkin-Inhofe Debating AFN Programing

This is an amazing debate on CSPAN 2 right now. (Background) Last night was a prelude, but today the GOP has come back with an argument. The crux of their argument today is that there’s a 1,000,000 listener threshold – … Continue reading

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Anthrax Vaccine Horror Story

(This is a first hand account) A veteran of the Air Force was innoculated with the Anthrax vaccine while in the service. Among the negative side-effects he suffered, one was that his body went into anaphylactic shock. Now he’s out … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 1 Comment

Kerry’s Iraq War Speech

“In fact, while some say we can’t ask tough questions because we are at war, I say no – in a time of war we must ask the hardest questions of all… Our troops have served with stunning bravery and … Continue reading

Posted in History, Military | 5 Comments

BREAKING: Barber Cancels Ed Schultz’s Debut on Armed Forces Radio

This is downright sleezy! I listen to Schultz, and his show is top notch.

Posted in Military | 3 Comments

6 Iraq veterans seek seats in Congress, question Bush

Imagine that. Iraq war veterans running as Democrats. Alright everyone, Support These Troops!

Posted in Military | 3 Comments

Halliburton Serves Expired Food and Tainted Water to Soldiers

Posted in Military | 9 Comments

Something Else for the Pentagon Shreader?

Chavez: U.S. Plans to Invade Venezuela

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Army Again Baffled by the Obvious

The New Orleans deputy police commander, W.S. Riley stated that the National Guard rolled in to New Orleans and went to sleep. That they were playing cards while police, firefighters and private citizens were rescuing people and battling the armed … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 14 Comments

Must See Video

Recruiting Righties on Campus – Jon Stewart/Christopher Hitchens – Coulter: New Yorkers are Cowards

Posted in Military, Words | 11 Comments

The United Chickenhawks of America

Posted in Military, Words | 68 Comments

Meth Mouth in the Midwest

You heard it here first:

Posted in Military | 2 Comments

Paul Hackett

Posted in Military | 7 Comments

The CIA Becomes Reality TV

Torture, extraordinary rendition, Brewster Jennings, undercover operatives working at desks – my one question amidst all these revelations is simple. Why am I aware of it?

Posted in Military, Words | 1 Comment