Category Archives: Military

Celebrating Murder (9/2/04)

Another one from the vault, ‘Celebrating Murder’ was my overall impression of the GOP national convention that year, as 9/11 was the star of the show from beginning to end. Giuliani was featured, and within his speech were eleven shout-outs … Continue reading

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Slave Army

The United States Army is continuing along in Iraq, with as healthy an appreciation of self as your average heroin junky or to be even more precise, a hardcore gasoline huffing aficionado hunkered over its favorite can. Woozy, deteriorated and … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military | 7 Comments

General Eaton to Dubya

Dear Mr. President – Today, in your veto message regarding the bipartisan legislation just passed on Operation Iraqi Freedom, you asserted that you so decided because you listen to your commanders on the ground. Respectfully, as your former commander on … Continue reading

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Stupid, Morbid, Insane and Omar

S: I love this: “But then, Dowd is part of our dumbest professional cohort—she’s one of our millionaire pundits. She’s vastly overpaid and over-praised—and she’s dumb as a bunch of old rocks.” (Daily Howler) M: More important than that though, … Continue reading

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First videos on deadissue – Tillman/Lynch Hearing

(Hootsbuddy hasn’t been able to view this, so can everyone do me a favor and indicate in a comment whether you can view this video or not and what type of browser you’re using for the internet? Thanks!) This was … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Video | 4 Comments

You Want Answers? Well…

Lt. Col. Ralph Kauzlarich is obviously feeling put upon by all this attention being paid to how one of his soldiers died a couple years ago. The family just keeps asking questions, asking questions, asking questions, and now it has … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, History, Military | 8 Comments

Our Puppet is Not Well

Since right-wingers are focusing on repeating over and over that the security situation within Iraq is improving, I’m quite sure that Democrats will continue to repeat over and over that a political solution is necessary to achieve any positive result. … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Words | 1 Comment

bQuoteBazaar – Iraq War

“Sending more Americans would undermine our strategy of encouraging Iraqis to take the lead in this fight. And sending more Americans would suggest that we intend to stay forever, when we are, in fact, working for the day when Iraq … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Words | 1 Comment

Riding On Old Yeller

The Bush Doctrine of pre-emption was outdone on its own terms yesterday, as at least three hours passed in between Iran’s release of the British sailors they had detained and any sort of reaction from the White House. As damning … Continue reading

Posted in History, Military, Words | 14 Comments

Army deployed seriously injured troops

by Mark Benjamin – – Soldiers on crutches and canes were sent to a main desert camp used for Iraq training. Military experts say the Army was pumping up manpower statistics to show a brigade was battle ready…Salon recently … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military | 6 Comments

Confessions of a Torturer

I encourage everyone to read this entire piece by John Conroy in the Chicago Reader. Here is an Army interrogator telling us about everything. It is the first full account from an actual soldier that I have come across that … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 4 Comments

Walk It Off

Predictably the media has completely missed the point of this Walter Reed story (Part 1, Part 2). Everywhere I turn, the emphasis is on the rodent infestation and mold, yet the important detail they’re ignoring is that thousands of veterans … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 15 Comments


If you really want someone to feel like a piece of dog shit for a long time, then be sure to recommend that they earn money for college and gain job experience by enlisting in the United States Army. Once … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 16 Comments

Appeal For Redress

1270 active duty military personnel have signed the Appeal for Redress as of today. It was delivered to Congress, and I haven’t heard much about it since. A site (Soldier Voices Forum) that is run by an active duty soldier … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 4 Comments

In a Big Country

Invested in this hyped stock with everything he’s got. Money, possessions, bodily organs and hope all down on the idea he had a few years back, developed over some serious unmet needs pertaining to relevance. How could he manage to … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 1 Comment

Right Tool for the Job

Of the dynamics at work within Iraq and the empty-suit Mecca of Washington DC, none is more depressing than the ambivilance over a simple concept I refer to often as the “right tool for the job”. Whether you’re extracting seeds … Continue reading

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Suicide Prevention

The US military just can’t help themselves when it comes to troops being killed. They lied about Pat Tillman’s death, and here’s another example: “Contrary to U.S. military statements, four U.S. soldiers did not die repelling a sneak attack at … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 8 Comments

The Murder of Maher Arar

When years go by as they have, with nerve endings pounding out this sense of shame from encrusted workings inside, utterly unshakable without damning the thoughts that come about around the time of acceptance and future endeavors and mind over … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Justice, Military | 16 Comments

Moqtada al-Sadr

If there’s a nightclub within all of Baghdad that one might desire entry to, it is a well known fact that once you say to the bouncer, “I am here to see Moqtada”, the list in their hand is meaningless. … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 9 Comments

Frederick Kagan – Napoleon Chose Victory Over Defeat

The man has a Ph.D. in Russian and Soviet military history, and the immediate thought that comes to my mind is how that country spent and shot its way into oblivion during the 1980s. Trying to keep up with US … Continue reading

Posted in History, Military | 12 Comments

The Gallows of Reality

We’re already experiencing the novelty of a post-Rumsfeld era at the Pentagon in the form of a Joint Chiefs of Staff that has suddenly found its voice after having been neutered since before our initial invasion of Iraq. The point … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 3 Comments


On the December 16 edition of Fox News’ Journal Editorial Report, after Wall Street Journal editorial board member Jason Riley claimed that it would be “very difficult,” politically, for President Bush to increase troop levels in Iraq, fellow Journal board … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 2 Comments


While the boy wonder was busy “listening” to people in the know about how best to continue fucking up the lives of millions in Iraq, he had the presense of mind to address a dip in the polls by dispatching … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 5 Comments

Out of Touch

1. On Sunday, Paul Barnes, founding pastor of the 2,100-member Grace Chapel in this Denver suburb, told his evangelical congregation in a videotaped message he had had sexual relations with other men and was stepping down. “I have struggled with … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Religion, Words | 2 Comments


1. Senator Gordon Smith (R-OR), Senate Floor: “To fight an insurgency often takes a decade or more. It takes more troops than we have committed. It takes clearing, holding, and building so that the people there see the value of … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Sports, Words | 1 Comment

Dehumanizing the War

George Orwell introduced me to the concept of words being used to defend what is indefensible, saying that our language “becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 12 Comments

Senator Chuck Hagel – “Leaving Iraq, Honorably”

There will be no victory or defeat for the United States in Iraq. These terms do not reflect the reality of what is going to happen there. The future of Iraq was always going to be determined by the Iraqis … Continue reading

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An Army of One

This is what they were getting at with that slogan.  US Army soldiers charged with murder are having their grand jury hearings in Tikrit.  Lord knows there are plenty of defense attourneys willing to travel to Iraq…what the hell is … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 13 Comments

A moral obligation to liberate Iran

The Iranian population is crying out for the US military, to liberate them from this evil government now draging a once proud Persian society through the muck.  Clearly, once we drop bombs strategically throughout the country, our forces could then … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Words | 8 Comments

Data on 2.2M active troops stolen from VA

“U.S.A!!! U.S.A!!! U.S.A!!!”   – Hacksaw Jim Duggan 

Posted in Military | 2 Comments