Category Archives: Military


Chickenhawk vs. Cindy Sheehan Pertaining to the White House dumbing down explainations of what is happening in Iraq by attributing everything bad to al-Qaida, it’d been killing me these past few weeks. My first ray of hope was this … Continue reading

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Here’s the Pat Tillman Coverup

“Following the Committee’s April 24, 2007, hearing on the Tillman fratricide, the Committee wrote to White House Counsel Fred Fielding seeking “all documents received or generated by any official in the Executive Office of the President” relating to Corporal Tillman’s … Continue reading

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Casting for 9/11 ‘The Sequel’

The story is going to be buried (U.S. Aborted Raid on Qaeda Chiefs in Pakistan in ’05), and our country will once again be left stupefied, wondering “what happened”, as the Pulitzer Prize winning book Ghost Wars by Steve Coll … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, History, Military | 2 Comments

A.Q. Khan – aka “Fallout Boy”

A Pakistani scientist peddled nuclear arms technology to Iran, North Korea and probably Harlem as well for all we know, which justifies jail time at least, if not a USA-certified “enemy combatant” designation. Imagine the amount of dire scenarios that … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military | 1 Comment

The Shadow Government

In honor of the release of CIA documents revealing some of our more shady actions, I wanted to share this documentary called “The Shadow Government”, which appeared on PBS in the mid 1980s amidst the Iran-Contra scandal. Larry Johnson, the … Continue reading

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Let Them Stay

Voices of US War Resisters in Canada

Posted in Military, Video | 4 Comments

US Soldier Fears Fratracide

Posted on Soldier Voices Forum – this is a soldier who is in need of some help. I’ve neglected the email chain that alerted me to this for about a day now because of school, but now that I’ve read … Continue reading

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The General’s Report

Seymour Hersh’s latest essay is a case study on how the military has been turned into a dirty beast under George W. Bush’s watch. Focusing on retired Army Major General Antonio M. Taguba’s experience as the first investigator to focus … Continue reading

Posted in Justice, Military, Politics | 2 Comments

Vintage Bush (assist from Peter Pace)

Remembering the Peter Pace days…we’ll be celebrating this man’s storied career for months I’m sure, but in order to do this right, we’ve got to really delve into the details of what he was able to provide to our country. … Continue reading

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Mercenaries in Iraq

A 25 minute Middle East news-magazine program on hired guns working on the US taxpayer’s dime within Iraq.

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My Spouse Called From Baghdad

(fromDailyKOS) My wife is an officer in Iraq. She did a decade of service as an enlisted soldier. She wanted to have an effect on policy and make decisions on a day to day basis when she chose to become … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 8 Comments

Matt Sanchez – Act 2

Wolf Blitzer is moderating in New Hampshire, and he asks the entire crop of potential GOP candidates for ’08 to raise their hand if they believe that gays should be allowed to serve in the military. Not one hand went … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Politics | 88 Comments

Banned from Right Wing News

Update 8PM: After simply choosing a new username (kent brockman) and email, I was able to create a new account, then post for the rest of the day. My main point in all of this was to perhaps warn Mr. … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Politics | 24 Comments

Soldier Speaks Out; Military Funerals Turn Wholesale

Blue Man who blogs on Blue Man in a Red District is doing great things in support of the military these days. Before I had the chance to highlight this first story, there was a second one that blew me … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 2 Comments

US Interrogation Tactics = War Crimes

Andrew Sullivan: “In Norway, we actually have a 1948 court case that weighs whether “enhanced interrogation” using the methods approved by president Bush amounted to torture. The proceedings are fascinating, with specific reference to the hypothermia used in Gitmo, and … Continue reading

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Cindy Sheehan – Broken

This really broke my heart to read, as it is yet another example of the collateral damage this compromise over the Iraq war funding has created. It confirms that as a people, we were too collectively fucked up at this … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Politics | 4 Comments

Cheney’s Wisdom

Dick Cheney at the West Point graduation ceremony on 5/26/07: Capture one of these killers, and he’ll be quick to demand the protections of the Geneva Convention and the Constitution of the United States. Yet when they wage attacks or … Continue reading

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Another Soldier in Iraq

“I’m tired. This is the beginning of week 12 of my second tour in Iraq. Its not any better than the first time. This time, a lot of things have gotten even worse. The last time, you knew the Iraqi … Continue reading

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My Sentiments Exactly

(HT: The Largest Minority) Keith Olbermann is right on the money regarding the capitulation of Democrats on the war: Rep. Dennis Kucinich:

Posted in Military, Politics, Video | 33 Comments

Our War Of Terror

I did see the movie “Borat” and yes, I am stealing that joke for the title of this piece. Our ‘War of Terror’ is defined by the applause that backs it up during an event like the Republican primary debate … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, History, Military, Politics, Religion | 4 Comments

1-5 CAV from Fort Hood, Texas

The “Black Knights” Of notable historic significance, this particular unit was an elite fighting force constructed in the 1800s of proven soldiers from many of the separate states that comprised the Union at that time. Its more recent mixture of … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 4 Comments

You Don’t Say…

Padilla Evidence Flimsy? – “This is what we wind up with after spending $20 million in prosecuting Padilla — a goddam form handed to a CIA agent by a stranger appearing out of nowhere in Afghanistan?” (Lewis Z. Koch @ … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Politics | 6 Comments

US Plans for Stealing Iraq’s Oil

Here’s a good one. Anyone who doesn’t believe our presence in Iraq was about plunder, the evidence is proving just that as the months of death drag on:

Posted in History, Military, Video | 1 Comment

Bush’s Justice Gap

The Nation published ‘Dying for a Home‘ by Amanda Spake in February, about thousands being poisoned by formaldehyde in the air they breathe whenever in or around their FEMA trailer. It took two months for the MSM to report on … Continue reading

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Staying With Charlie Babbitt

Reverend James Dobson (5/14/07): “I was invited to go to Washington DC to meet with President Bush in the White House along with 12 or 13 other leaders of the pro-family movement. And the topic of the discussion that day … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Politics, Religion | 15 Comments

Stars and Stripes: The Army Lied

Heading to the end of this semester, I’m currently “surging” on that front, but the Stars and Stripes and Army Times have been doing their job well in the past two years, and here is a great example: ARLINGTON, Va. … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 6 Comments

Veterans (Like Deficits) Don’t Matter

Take a moment and watch these two clips I’ve got from a house committee hearing on how our veterans are being left behind, within a system that Republicans and the President have gone out of their way to nickel and … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Video | 1 Comment

John Murtha – Barney Frank (how it’s done!)

Rep. Murtha: Iraq Accountability Act Rep. Frank: Shareholder Vote on Executive Compensation Act (Republicans were apparently saying anything to protect the status quo in regards to CEO compensation, and Barney Frank made mince meat out of them) More … Continue reading

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Peter Pace – Practice Makes Perfect

Governors were meeting with the President and his most submissive prag, asking about Plan B in Iraq, to which they were told that Plan B is to make Plan A work. General Pace: “I’m a Marine, and Marines don’t talk … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military | 3 Comments

Burst Asunder is a soldier in Iraq

Here’s the post I just read. Please take the time to visit his site and send him some love with your comments – The Iraqi Army: We conducted a joint operation with the Iraqi Army back in December, 2006. We … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 3 Comments