Category Archives: Military

Courage to Resist – Naser Abdo Update

It looks like we weren’t the only ones to pick up on Courage to Resist’s attempt to cut all known ties with Naser Abdo. Stephen Webster – from ran a story on the omission of Naser Abdo from Courage … Continue reading

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Why they love us in Iraq

Motivational speaking…some inspiring shit…I think it’s time we excused ourselves from the table

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Hunt Oil Contract in Kurdistan

(TP) President Bush denied knowledge of the contract, saying that he “knew nothing about the deal” and was “concerned”: I knew nothing about the deal. I need to know exactly how it happened. To the extent that it does undermine … Continue reading

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Wesley Clark on McCain’s Military Credentials

How about this?

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The voices of veterans

As much of this as they can afford to pay for!компютри втора употреба

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Politics | 1 Comment

You Fucking Crybaby Suckers

You volunteered for the military, so eat shit and be thankful for it! This guy is arguing that since a teenager volunteered for the Army, it means they really want to be a soldier for the rest of their life…right…no … Continue reading

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The Turning Point

Senator Voinovich A big moment…

Posted in History, Military, Politics, Video | 1 Comment

The War Over the War Inside the Pentagon

Scott Horton: Yet the smoke from this firestorm has been everywhere. Why did Admiral James Fallon suddenly resign following the publication of a portrait piece on him in Esquire? The word spread about the media, which covered this, as usually, … Continue reading

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Bush surveys the front, on a mission to boost morale

Maureen Dowd: Bush, who used his family connections to avoid Vietnam, told troops serving in Afghanistan on Thursday that he is “a little envious” of their adventure there, saying it was “in some ways romantic.” (left) my alma matter

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How are the new MREs?

Being a smart ass while in the military…it’s a right of passage. 

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Harper’s Weekly Review (part)

“…Dwarf thieves had infested Swedish buses,9 Lithuania was pondering changing its name,10 and a plot by retired Turkish Army officers to kill Nobel Laureate Orhan Pamuk was foiled. 11 Police in Malda, India, were battling avian flu by conducting a … Continue reading

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Veteran Killers

Al Swearengen on 2/23/2006: “Iraq Vet Mutilates Wife” – Get ready America, the war’s not over when these guys leave Iraq. Typical of youngsters who sign up while suffering from a mental disorder commonly known as ‘outrageous stupidity’…Marry a woman … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military | 6 Comments

Massoud’s Last Conquest

by Sebastian Junger, published in Vanity Fair – February 2002 Afghanistan’s master guerrilla commander, Ahmed Shah Massoud, was assassinated by suspected al-Qaeda suicide bombers just two days before September 11. But his Northern Alliance coalition became the U.S.’s most important … Continue reading

Posted in History, Military | 2 Comments

War Critics Obama, Ron Paul Get Most Military Donations

Don’t let your beloved Bauer-heads catch wind of this fun fact…they might break out in a rage and start torturing your pets. (HuffingtonPost) Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Ron Paul have little in common politically, except their opposition to the … Continue reading

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Veteran Suicides

With the new schedule, I’m really behind on my research when it comes to this story right here. Have the Pentagon and VA been cooking the books? Why on earth would they feel compelled to do something like that?

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Thank God For Helen Thomas!

White House Press Secretary Dana Perino, the same one who admitted to not knowing what the Cuban Missile Crisis was, got a little bit more than she bargained for the other day. How do you think she handled it? Check … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Video | 2 Comments

Senator Mitch McConnell On Dead Soldiers

This one was from last week, but seeing as how this guy is the minority leader in the senate, also in light of how Republican policies have led directly to the Walter Reed scandal and the decimation of our military … Continue reading

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Phil Donahue Schools Billy

Classic rerun:

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In the two years since Murtha spoke out

Here’s something interesting.  Since the right went so far in attacking the man…I seem to remember the administration going with the patented, “We’ll let the generals on the ground decide how things are going.”  Ah, those wise, honest generals and … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 2 Comments

Metallica – One

To help remember that by celebrating the service of our veterans, it doesn’t mean we’re celebrating war. Or…to help remember what good music plus MTV used to equal back in the day.

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Happy Veteran’s Day

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Nance, Kleinman, and Waterboarding: The Remix

This is a compilation from a House committee hearing last week, courtesy of TPMmuckraker:

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unable to love and addicted to war?

I love finding new military blogs and just reading for an hour or two some nights when I can.  Here’s a new one I found last night and read for a while, with the writing of a blogger named GI … Continue reading

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Democracy Now!

Amy Goodman is the host of this show, which can be seen and heard by going to the Democracy Now! website. Without fail, where the mainstream media fails to even attempt digging into a story, this show right here will … Continue reading

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No Lake, No Trout

I. (TPMmuckraker – Iraq Revokes All Contractor Immunity – Spencer Ackerman) “The metaphorical statue of L. Paul Bremer III has come crashing down. Today the Iraqi government formally revoked one of the Coalition Provisional Authority’s enduring vestiges — a decree … Continue reading

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Lake Trout

I.  Two Republican representatives, both of whom I think the worst of as a rule, seem to be battling against Cheney over the White House’s leaking of false information that indicates Israel struck a nuclear facility in Syria that was … Continue reading

Posted in Justice, Military, Politics | 1 Comment


The scam has been exposed for quite a while now (VA Failing – Troops Suffer (2005), Born Under Punches, Walk It Off, 20,000 Soldiers Denied Healthcare), but the big money media won’t go after the story. There is a game being … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military | Comments Off on PTSD News

Suicide Prevention (Rerun)

(Since I’m devoting all of my writing energy to a project that cannot be shared publicly, I’ll be reruning some old ones and trying to post some more heady reading material from elsewhere along the way. Original posting) The US … Continue reading

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Blackwater Bullies The Army

(Larry Kaplow, Rod Nordland, Mark Hosenball and Michael Hastings – Newsweek) The colonel was furious. “Can you believe it? They actually drew their weapons on U.S. soldiers.” He was describing a 2006 car accident, in which an SUV full of … Continue reading

Posted in Military | 1 Comment

22,000 US Soldiers Denied Healthcare

(from DailyKOS) “The Pentagon has informed thousands of American soldiers in Iraq that their Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder was a pre-existing condition from before they ever joined the military. In other words, NO TREATMENT, NO INSURANCE, NO NOTHING! More than 22,000 … Continue reading

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