Category Archives: Justice

The Bush administration’s code of silence

by Sidney Blumenthal (Guardian UK)Omertà (or code of silence) has become the final bond holding the Bush administration together. Honesty is dishonourable; silence is manly; penitence is weakness. Loyalty trumps law. Protecting higher-ups is patriotism. Stonewalling is idealism. Telling the … Continue reading

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American Blackout – Documentary on Voting Rights

I’m not sure how many, if any, of the readers of this blog actually watch these long videos I post from time to time, but my idea in doing so is that a single viewer is enough to justify posting … Continue reading

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Good Eats

TPMmuckraker features some top-notch analysis concerning Gonzo and the NSA wiretapping program(s?): “There’s a lot of evidence to suggest that Gonzales’s careful, repeated phrasing to the Senate that he will only discuss the program that “the president described” was deliberate, … Continue reading

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Censored portions of Arar report to be revealed

This should be interesting: (Source) A Federal Court judge has agreed to reveal portions of the Maher Arar report that were censored by the government. Mr. Justice Simon Noel ruled Tuesday that he will uncensor some – but not all … Continue reading

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Life During Wartime

Justice at Stake: Ensuring That Prisoners in the U.S. Are Never ‘Disappeared’- by Shahid Buttar, posted at The Peace Tree Hadrian’s Forum: “The American founding fathers were well versed in Roman history. People such as Washington, Madison and Jefferson, were … Continue reading

Posted in Justice, Military, Politics | 3 Comments

The Murder of Jose Padilla

Week after week, this guy Padilla manages to look more and more like the poster child for what Republican authoritarianism is great at producing. There are many more taxpaying victims of small government, anti-New Deal conservatism out there, from Katrina … Continue reading

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If Republicans still controlled Congress…

This hearing on the air quality in New York City in the days and weeks following 9/11 would have never taken place. Christie Todd Whitman wouldn’t have had to sit at a table and answer questions under oath. She wouldn’t … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, History, Justice, Politics, Video | 28 Comments

The General’s Report

Seymour Hersh’s latest essay is a case study on how the military has been turned into a dirty beast under George W. Bush’s watch. Focusing on retired Army Major General Antonio M. Taguba’s experience as the first investigator to focus … Continue reading

Posted in Justice, Military, Politics | 2 Comments

Lee Kaplan Sues Blogger and Wins

I don’t know much about Kaplan’s work, but have learned that he’s a right-winger who has earned himself an opposition site dedicated to him called ‘Lee Kaplan Watch‘. One Kaplan article I did read, basically blamed the Virginia Tech shootings … Continue reading

Posted in Justice | 5 Comments

Vintage Bush (assist from Peter Pace)

Remembering the Peter Pace days…we’ll be celebrating this man’s storied career for months I’m sure, but in order to do this right, we’ve got to really delve into the details of what he was able to provide to our country. … Continue reading

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Supreme Bureaucracy

(Article) This is a bad sign. Regardless of what the inmate was convicted of or whether he’s guilty of the crime, everyone has the constitutional right to appeal their conviction to a higher court. In this case, a lower court … Continue reading

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The Murder of Maher Arar

When years go by as they have, with nerve endings pounding out this sense of shame from encrusted workings inside, utterly unshakable without damning the thoughts that come about around the time of acceptance and future endeavors and mind over … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Justice, Military | 16 Comments

A Nation of the People, by the People and For the Stock Prices

There’s an idea at play in President Bush’s nomination of Janice Rogers Brown that business is sacred and the worker is a negligible part of the whole.  When a business bears responsibility for the mistreatment of their workers or an … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Justice | 23 Comments

Perfect Judge for a Monarchy

“Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates, and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies.  The result is families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Justice | 19 Comments

Rogue Judges and Religious Oppression

Republicans are drumming up support amongst their base with tough talk of ‘rogue activist judges’ and the incredible danger they pose to our way of life. Bill Frist informs us that the judicial filibuster is, “being used against people of … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Justice, Politics, Religion, Words | 39 Comments

Gay Rights and the System

A lot has been made of the effect gay parents would have on their children, and most of the negative claims are spoken of from a place of ignorance as there is hardly a substantial amount of research that has … Continue reading

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