Category Archives: Justice

15 seats, none for single-payer

We’d love more of this! <video></video>

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Ticking Time Bomb

How many of these scenarios have there ever actually been?

Posted in Al Swearengen, History, Justice | 1 Comment

Merck wrote the research & doctors signed it for money

JAMA published this today. Every one of these doctors need to provide answers to the medical community, and if they didn’t actually conduct the research they attached their name to, their medical license should be revoked. People are dead because … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Justice | 1 Comment

Don Siegelman is being released!

I’ve written about this a few times, and have been checking out Scott Horton’s posts over at Harper’s…this 60 Minutes piece will bring you up to speed if you don’t know anything about this:

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Halliburton Steals Information from Petrobas (PBR)

If someone just made this story up… (Reuters) – Brazil’s state oil company Petrobras (PETR4.SA: Quote, Profile, Research)(PBR.N: Quote, Profile, Research), said Thursday that computers containing “important information” of oil and gas field research off the Brazilian coast were stolen. … Continue reading

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Harper’s Weekly Review (part)

“…Dwarf thieves had infested Swedish buses,9 Lithuania was pondering changing its name,10 and a plot by retired Turkish Army officers to kill Nobel Laureate Orhan Pamuk was foiled. 11 Police in Malda, India, were battling avian flu by conducting a … Continue reading

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Election Shenanigans in New Hampshire on top of things up in New Hampshire:

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Mississippi mud

This is a good one… (Lead Story – NYTimes Sunday Business Section – By NELSON D. SCHWARTZ) …Linking Mr. Scruggs, Mr. Patterson and other figures in the case is an obscure former college football star, farmer and politically well-connected adviser … Continue reading

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Randi Rhodes

This one’s a bit long (35 minutes), but it’s one of those speeches that define a moment so perfectly, that it will represent what a person is remembered for longEine Pokerwettrunde beginnt durch den online poker links vom Geber. after … Continue reading

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Nance, Kleinman, and Waterboarding: The Remix

This is a compilation from a House committee hearing last week, courtesy of TPMmuckraker:

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Olbermann on Torture

A Special Comment on torture:

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Democracy Now!

Amy Goodman is the host of this show, which can be seen and heard by going to the Democracy Now! website. Without fail, where the mainstream media fails to even attempt digging into a story, this show right here will … Continue reading

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No Lake, No Trout

I. (TPMmuckraker – Iraq Revokes All Contractor Immunity – Spencer Ackerman) “The metaphorical statue of L. Paul Bremer III has come crashing down. Today the Iraqi government formally revoked one of the Coalition Provisional Authority’s enduring vestiges — a decree … Continue reading

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Lake Trout

I.  Two Republican representatives, both of whom I think the worst of as a rule, seem to be battling against Cheney over the White House’s leaking of false information that indicates Israel struck a nuclear facility in Syria that was … Continue reading

Posted in Justice, Military, Politics | 1 Comment

bBlogBouillabaisse – DiceK in Game Seven

Pam’s House Blend: “Rudy flip-flops on marriage amendment — and still fails to win over Values Voters”  Straw Poll Results: Name … Percentage 1. Mitt Romney … 27.62% 2. Mike Huckabee …27.10% 3. Ron Paul … 14.98% 4. Fred Thompson … Continue reading

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Senator Rockefeller (D-WV) – Selling Us Out

I’ve been watching this immunity story like a hawk, but haven’t had the time to comment on it here.  This post I found after reading TPMmuckraker’s front page today was too good not to share.  I’m posting the first 2 … Continue reading

Posted in Justice, Politics | 2 Comments

Colbert on the Overcrowded Prisons

This is outstanding:

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Priorities of Tyranny – One Way DNA

(Richard Willing, USA TODAY) “Since 2006, the Justice Department has yet to spend any of the $8 million set aside by Congress for DNA tests for convicts to prove their innocence while it has used $214 million to collect DNA … Continue reading

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Karl Rove Linked to Siegelman Prosecution

(Harpers) “For months, the Alabama Republican machine has attempted to brush off claims about Rove’s involvement as some sort of fantastic speculation. Those efforts have just been exploded. We are one step closer to understanding why Karl Rove left the … Continue reading

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Read This Sentencing Memorandum

(Harpers) From a February 26 sentencing memorandum by Judge Gregory R. Todd, in the case of Montana v. Andrew McCormack. In 2006, McCormack was arrested for stealing beer. After entering a guilty plea, he received a sentence of probation, community … Continue reading

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Lynch the Jena 6

Former White House press secretary Tony Snow on an October 2003 edition of Fox News Sunday: “Here’s the unmentionable secret: Racism isn’t that big a deal any more. No sensible person supports it. Nobody of importance preaches it. It’s rapidly … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Justice | 2 Comments

JENA – Feet meet pavement

  White kids from the high school hang nooses up on trees on school property, and one of them gets his ass kicked for it.  Something to learn from, nothing too serious, as he was up and about that night, … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Justice | 13 Comments

The Webb Amendment

Jim Webb is one hell of a leader, and this time around, Repubicans are going to have a tough time claiming to care about the troops if they filibuster. This bill would give the troops equal recovery time to how … Continue reading

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The Rundown 9/12/07

General Petraeus has a boss, CENTCOM Commander Admiral William Fallon, and he told his subordinate in March that, “[Petraeus, you’re] an ass-kissing little chickenshit. I hate people like that.” ~~ Two suicide bombings that killed (at least) 50 people in … Continue reading

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What New Hampshire thinks about gay marriage:

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Don Siegelman

I don’t know if any of you have been following this story, but with the resignations of Gonzo and Turd Blossom this past week, I’ve got a sense that this man is at the center of why they’re suddenly gone.  … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Justice, Politics | 1 Comment

Maher Arar Video – Gonzo vs. Leahy

This case is on my mind, and I wanted to post this video once more. In light of what we now know, watch this again and consider how absolutely full of shit Gonzo is right here:

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Birds of a Feather

Fatigue cripples US army in Iraq Memo shows [Utah] mine owners already knew they had roof problems in March Texas girl in [taxpayer funded] “boot camp” is tied to a van and dragged Cheney in ’94 on why it would be stupid … Continue reading

Posted in History, Justice, Military, Politics, Video | 2 Comments

Maher Arar’s Murderers Are Exposed

“With persons likely to be tortured, there’s not even [been] a claim of a cost-benefit analysis. It’s not like you’re torturing to get the ticking bomb. It’s just that we would rather send this person back and have that person … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Justice, Military | 5 Comments

Wabbit Feet

(UK asks U.S. to free residents from Guantanamo) Britain asked the United States to release five British residents from Guantanamo Bay on Tuesday in what analysts saw as a sign that new Prime Minister Gordon Brown is taking a more … Continue reading

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