Category Archives: Video

Deep Banana Blackout – Take the Time

From the Berkshire Music Festival in 2000 (I was too broke to attend) – Bonus DBB

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Conservatism’s failures for Katrina

Liberal Oasis – Bill Scher’s radio program – Part 1 Part 2

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Mike Gravel – Must See!

This is a brilliant turn from Mike Gravel…this discussion right here was better than anything that happened on the actual show. Check this out, 5 minutes: Bonus: Gary Shandling from overtime

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Cliff Clavin on Jeopardy


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Sen. Craig Endorsing Mitt Romney

This is outstanding…the Romney campaign pulled the video off of YouTube, but it couldn’t be buried deep enough. 

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The Total Package

Teen USA – South Carolina Bonus Video – “Is your husband more urban or rural?”

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Talking Heads – Cities

Live in Rome – 1980

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God Called, Bob Murray’s Voicemail Kept Answering

Long ago I gave up chasing stories and providing timely coverage of anything, and that’s mostly because I’ve never really trusted my gut reaction to things, having lived long enough to know that an emotional reaction may make for good … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Video | 1 Comment

Iraq Vets talk about killing civilians Marines Killing Unarmed Civilians IED montage (Turn down the volume on your speakers)

Posted in Military, Video | 1 Comment

Family Guy – Best of Meg

I went out looking for this montage…4-5 clips in there’s Peter hitting Meg with a baseball bat, which I had on the DVR and thought there had to be a youtube out there celebrating her role on the show:

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Classic Scene


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Maher Arar Video – Gonzo vs. Leahy

This case is on my mind, and I wanted to post this video once more. In light of what we now know, watch this again and consider how absolutely full of shit Gonzo is right here:

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Birds of a Feather

Fatigue cripples US army in Iraq Memo shows [Utah] mine owners already knew they had roof problems in March Texas girl in [taxpayer funded] “boot camp” is tied to a van and dragged Cheney in ’94 on why it would be stupid … Continue reading

Posted in History, Justice, Military, Politics, Video | 2 Comments

Buffalo vs. Lions – both vs. Crocodiles

This is the first nature video I’ve ever posted…watch this one from beginning to end.  It’s the basic Hollywood formula played out in realtime somewhere in Africa:

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Blind Melon – Tones of Home

Shannon Hoon – RIP – I’ve got the full DVD of this show if anyone wants a copy.

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Rusted Root – Lost in a Crowd

St. Louis, MO – 11/30/96

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Carlos Mencia & Barry Bonds

(Yardbarker) So if you’re swimming in the water and a shark bites you, that’s called trespassing. That is not a shark attack. A shark attack is if you’re chilling at home, sitting on your couch, and a shark comes in … Continue reading

Posted in Comedy, Sports, Video | 14 Comments

Videos – 4 for $0.00

Bernie Sanders (I-VT) fights Bush Nominee on WalMart tax breaks The History of Nixon and the Future of Cheney TDS-Gonzo-Mountain (Hillarious!)

Posted in Comedy, Politics, Video | 2 Comments

At the Beach

Here’s Sam running around

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Tom Snyder RIP

My most (and really only) memorable Tom Snyder moment for me was when he covered for Bob Costas and interviewed Howard Stern in 1991 – Bask in the hostility (4 parts):

Posted in Comedy, Video | 1 Comment

Ted Kennedy on Health Care

The boys were upstairs for their nap, and I was struggling energy-wise in a bad way due to back to back 3AM school nights (drinking coffee right now at 11PM, so…). These days I like to get some work done … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Video | 10 Comments

The Roots – Hardware

From an appearance on Chapelle:

Posted in Music, Video | 2 Comments

American Blackout – Documentary on Voting Rights

I’m not sure how many, if any, of the readers of this blog actually watch these long videos I post from time to time, but my idea in doing so is that a single viewer is enough to justify posting … Continue reading

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Spinal Tap – Big Bottom

Dig it

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Construction of US Embassy in Iraq

Two foremen on the project tell a House committee about how the USA goes about building something like this under Bush/Cheney.  Rory Mayberry, a former subcontractor employee for First Kuwaiti Trading & Contracting Company, gives opening testimony: Owens, a … Continue reading

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Alan Watts: When Will You Arrive?

(h/t Andrew Sullivan)

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Bill Moyers Interviews ‘The Yes Men’

Bill Moyers Journal: The Yes Men Part 1 Bill Moyers Journal: The Yes Men Part 2

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The Last Bill Hicks Show (Igby’s L.A. 11/17/93)

There are other comics worth featuring here, but its during times like these when Hicks is the one I think about most often. Imagine him teeing off on Dubya! RIP Bill…

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Chickenhawks, Scapegoats, Don Young’s Teeth

Max Blumenthal – College GOP Convention Keith Olbermann – Special Comment “Scapegoat”

Posted in Comedy, Military, Politics, Video | 7 Comments