Category Archives: Video

Rudy in a nutshell

Joe Biden sums it up perfectly:

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Keith’s Performance Review

Ever had a review at work? Check this out:

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Chris Dodd – A Brilliant Floor Speech

Check this out. In 8 minutes, Dodd runs through just about everything. No meandering. This man needs to be the senate majority leader. What I saw and heard here had ‘Profiles in Courage’ potential.

Posted in History, Politics, Video | 1 Comment

Deval Patrick Endorses Barak Obama

In Boston there was a rally 9,500 strong, and Governor Patrick introduced Barak Obama: “I’m in love with Massachusetts And the neon when it’s cold outside And the highway when it’s late at night Got the radio on I’m … Continue reading

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Video from hell (San Diego)

Larry Himmel in front of his destroyed home

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“…oh, you noticed.” Carl

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Garry Kasparov – Educating America

This is a brilliant man who I have written about in the past (Somewhere between Belarus and Zimbabwe). In this interview he explains the geopolitical strategy for Russia, which is entirely about keeping the Middle East embroiled with tension so … Continue reading

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Teletubbies & Sublime

This could very well be the best thing that ever gets posted here.

Posted in Comedy, Music, Video | 19 Comments

Senator Dodd (D-CT) Does the Opposite

This is encouraging.

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Tom Delay in ‘How To Steal An Election’

Must see TV

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Colbert on the Overcrowded Prisons

This is outstanding:

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How to Conduct a Book Interview

I had to share these two clips from last week’s Daily Show. The first is Stewart interviewing Chris Matthews, whose book is a waste of money apparantly: Then the show’s take on Bush’s SCHIP veto:

Posted in Comedy, Politics, Video | 1 Comment

Omar testifies against Bird

A discussion of The Wire broke out in a post at The Trader’s Den, one I put up for a classic Phil Lesh and Friends show. The person I’m conversing with (rick m) about a character I’ve featured here in … Continue reading

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Living Colour – Love Rears It’s Ugly Head


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Letterman interviews Paris

Since porn was the topic of my last post, today I’ll also include this funny video of David Letterman interviewing Paris Hilton on 9-28-07.  He keeps the “jail” zingers coming for more than half of it.  The “legacy” question is … Continue reading

Posted in Comedy, Video | 4 Comments

Documentary – The Making of Deep Throat

This one is perfect. A lot of it is hillarious, especially the early parts when they’re interviewing the people who worked on the most notorious porn film ever made.

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Cream – Sunshine of Your Love

Christy Hardin Smith posted this to Crooks and Liars.  From 1968 – a sweet Sunday surprise.

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Hersh: The Strategy to SELL a war with Iran

From Think Progress You can sell [this approach]. It’s more logical. You can say to people, the American people, we’re only hitting those people that we think are trying to hit our boys and the coalition forces. And so that … Continue reading

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Voter Fraud in Texas

This is interesting – a news clip from Texas, where the state legislature has a rule on the books saying representatives can’t cast votes for one another, yet the video footage shows many of them casting several votes. Where the … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Video | 7 Comments

OSU’s coach Gundy goes apeshit at a press conference

I agree with the guy. Even when it happens in professional sports, it sucks. I’ve been tempted some nights to get on the blog and tear Eric Gagne to pieces, but then I calm down and get over it. When … Continue reading

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The Webb Amendment

Jim Webb is one hell of a leader, and this time around, Repubicans are going to have a tough time claiming to care about the troops if they filibuster. This bill would give the troops equal recovery time to how … Continue reading

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Chuck Hagel on Petraeus/War Policy

I’ve been trying to rip Hagel’s speech and questions to Petraeus and Crocker at last week’s day 2 hearing from CSPAN’s website, but my computer is barely a step up from an abacus, so every time I try, only the … Continue reading

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Watching the pile-on this weekend, I finally understand how it must feel to be a Republican right now. The only comment I have on all of this is…who the hell signed Emmitt Smith up for Sunday Countdown? Did they notice … Continue reading

Posted in Comedy, Sports, Video | 2 Comments

Beastie Boys – So What’cha Want?

From ‘Check Your Head’, one that came out when I was a freshman in high school, and a couple of us had the record memorized in about two weeks. At the time I figured this video was the coolest shit … Continue reading

Posted in Music, Video | 9 Comments

LEAVE ________ ALONE! (it begins)

To coincide with the post a bit further down from a couple days ago, the “LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!” video, we now have the first parody.

Posted in Comedy, Video | 2 Comments

Phish with Jay-Z – 99 Problems, Big Pimpin’

Brooklyn, 2004-06-18

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Real or Performance Art?

This was on Google’s Buzz List, it’s a transvestite howling about people beating up on Britney Spears.

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Petraeus the Magnificent – Day One Review

The books are cooked, and Petraeus is going to be looking bad once this week is through. He’ll attempt to babble through his inquisitor’s time in the next two days, but it will only get tougher tomorrow. I watched a … Continue reading

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Michael Jackson – Rock With You

(h/t The Largest Minority) From his ‘Off the Wall’ album…anyone want to argue that this album isn’t in the top 5 of all time? Even after I was 100% convinced he was a child molester, this album still remained in … Continue reading

Posted in Music, Video | 1 Comment


What New Hampshire thinks about gay marriage:

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