Category Archives: Video

You Fucking Crybaby Suckers

You volunteered for the military, so eat shit and be thankful for it! This guy is arguing that since a teenager volunteered for the Army, it means they really want to be a soldier for the rest of their life…right…no … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Politics, Video | 1 Comment

Chuck Burgundy

Now that HBO is in a coma, this is probably my favorite show:

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How to use a phone

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The Turning Point

Senator Voinovich A big moment…

Posted in History, Military, Politics, Video | 1 Comment

Randi Rhodes

I guess you can’t have a radio show and be controversial at the same time…she should sue Air America. To me it looks like she’s doing an appearance somewhere. So if her contract doesn’t stipulate what she can and cannot … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Politics, Video | 1 Comment


I guess CNN scrubbed the transcript:

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Kenard on the radio

A couple of the child actors from The Wire…Omar’s killer and Michael’s little brother appear on radio show.

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Black Crowes – Feeling Alright (1994)

From an appearance on Letterman

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A Simple Question

I didn’t think this question should have been so hard to answer.

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Election Shenanigans in New Hampshire on top of things up in New Hampshire:

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Ron Paul People

Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty fucking serious about their candidate.

Posted in Politics, Video | 7 Comments

A Fox Business Channel “Expert”

I shit you not – they brought in an astrologer to predict the FED’s rate cut. Keep in mind that Rupert Murdoch’s tendency to dumb down everything within his domain, is about to be applied to my beloved Wall Street … Continue reading

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Veteran Suicides

With the new schedule, I’m really behind on my research when it comes to this story right here. Have the Pentagon and VA been cooking the books? Why on earth would they feel compelled to do something like that?

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Thank God For Helen Thomas!

White House Press Secretary Dana Perino, the same one who admitted to not knowing what the Cuban Missile Crisis was, got a little bit more than she bargained for the other day. How do you think she handled it? Check … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Video | 2 Comments

Senator Mitch McConnell On Dead Soldiers

This one was from last week, but seeing as how this guy is the minority leader in the senate, also in light of how Republican policies have led directly to the Walter Reed scandal and the decimation of our military … Continue reading

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Randi Rhodes

This one’s a bit long (35 minutes), but it’s one of those speeches that define a moment so perfectly, that it will represent what a person is remembered for longEine Pokerwettrunde beginnt durch den online poker links vom Geber. after … Continue reading

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The Wood Spider Experiments

I had one of these camped outside the living room window. The boys said hello to it every morning, but the wind this week was too much for the little guy to take. This video cheered me up.

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The IT Guy

Dig it

Posted in Comedy, Video | 4 Comments

Earth to Mitt

Romney during the debate: Every time I listen to someone like John Edwards get on TV and say there are two Americans, I just want to — I just want to throw something at the TV, because there are not … Continue reading

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Phil Donahue Schools Billy

Classic rerun:

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Bye Bye Papelbon

I recorded this two nights ago during desert. Sam is on the left and Max is on the right. It came out a lot darker than I’d expected, but the poop jokes remain solid throughout. The title only makes sense … Continue reading

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Metallica – One

To help remember that by celebrating the service of our veterans, it doesn’t mean we’re celebrating war. Or…to help remember what good music plus MTV used to equal back in the day.

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Nance, Kleinman, and Waterboarding: The Remix

This is a compilation from a House committee hearing last week, courtesy of TPMmuckraker:

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Cornell West & Mos Def

This is one of my own creations, cliped out of what I consider to be far and away the best episode of Real Time w/ Bill Maher this season.  Rahm Emanuel was also scheduled, but he didn’t show up.  What … Continue reading

Posted in History, Politics, Religion, Video | 1 Comment

“I’ll Never Get Caught Saying Nigger”

Have you seen this? I don’t have the patience for all of this interview w/ him and that knucklehead Hannity, but it’s right here…I heard clips from this on yesterday’s Stern show and he’s insane.

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Writer’s Strike

This 3 and a half minute video does the best job of explaining what it’s all about:

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Olbermann on Torture

A Special Comment on torture:

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Theocracy Now!

Max Blumenthal at the Value Voters Summit 2007 (at the end they honor James Dobson)

Posted in Politics, Religion, Video | 1 Comment

Cable News Prank Calls

Since OJ Simpson got away in his white Bronco, there hasn’t been anything positive going on in the realm of 24 hour news. It stupefies America. Therefore, these clips really make me smile. Captain Jenks pranks CNN Pranking FoxNews … Continue reading

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Political Clips

The Politics of Parsing The Politics of Douchebagery

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