Author Archives: John Rove

Guilty until the witnesse$ talk

The Eagles are saying Vick will be able to travel with the team. I get that Vick is innocent of the shooting until proven guilty, but the NFL doesn’t have to let him play until he proves that he wasn’t … Continue reading

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Our Doctors ain’t smart

I have always thought one of the problems with medical research is that it is mostly done by people that couldn’t get into medical school, apparentely even people who do get into med school are pretty incompetent. Why aren’t hospitals … Continue reading

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I’m from BP and I am here to help

The New York Times has an article on BP and some of the companies many screw-ups. What really jumped out at me was this paragraph: Tom Kirchmaier, a lecturer in strategy at the Manchester Business School, said that Mr. Browne … Continue reading

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Vick: the home back-up quarterback?

It is good to see Vick facing some consequences for his actions: Micheal Vickhas been barred from traveling out of Pennsylvania by probation officials in the wake of a shooting after his birthday party last month, a Philadelphia TV station … Continue reading

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Rich deadbeats?

This has been all over the internet: The housing bust that began among the working class in remote subdivisions and quickly progressed to the suburban middle class is striking the upper class in privileged enclaves like this one in Silicon … Continue reading

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Why don’t the witnes$$es’s want to talk

Looks Like Vick may not be held accountable for this latest incident. The Virginia Beach police say they are done with Michael Vick, and, maybe, done with the case that might have cost Vick his second chance in the NFL. … Continue reading

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Another conservatopia

Colorado Springs Colorado aspires to be like Somalia: At Village Green Park, just off Carefree Circle on the city’s east side, weeds flourish, and stenciled onto a bathroom door: “Restrooms Closed Due to Budget Restrictions.” “If you have kids who … Continue reading

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Say goodbye to Vick part 2

Looks like other people are starting to think it is time to cut Vick: Last August, after the Eagles’ shocking decision to sign the reinstated Vick, Lurie spoke with unprecedented candor and visible anguish during a news conference at the … Continue reading

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More dog and cat blogging

Another picture of Kip and Cory in the kitchen, apparentely we all like it there. They seem to be smiling for the camera today

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Say goodbye to Micheal Vick?

Looks like Vick may be in more trouble than we thought: A man named in reports as Quanis Phillips, one of his co-defendants in his 2007 dog fighting conviction, was shot near the restaurant on the night of the June … Continue reading

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The market doesn’t know science

Looks like Avandia may not have been a safe drug, but it was a good seller, so the market decided it was a good drug: The diabetes drug Avandia, once the world’s top-selling diabetes medication, took two more hits Monday … Continue reading

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Vick left the club ten-minutes before shots were fired. mmmm

Things that make you go MMMM. Woodward said Vick left the club Guadalajara at Town Center shopping center at least 10 minutes and perhaps as much as 20 minutes before the shooting, which occurred just after 2 a.m. The shooting … Continue reading

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Who attended Vick’s dog fights?

One thing that gets ignored, was who was at Micheal Vick’s fog fights, how many NFL players attended these events. I ave always believed that part of the reason the NFL let Vick back in was to keep him quiet … Continue reading

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More Vick

Doesn’t sound like the Eagles are rushing to the defense of their quarterback: We are aware of the incident that occurred in Virginia early this morning and are in the process of gathering all of the facts. Until then, we … Continue reading

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Dog and Cat blogging

Both Kip, the dog and Cory, the cat seem to be escaping the heat by laying on the tile floor. I don’t have central air and if the temperature here in Denver keeps getting up near a hundred I may … Continue reading

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The end of Micheal Vick?

Looks like Micheal vick, a well known dog fighter and part-time quarterback in the NFL may be in some trouble: A fight broke out when a crowd of people attending Michael Vick’s 30th birthday party, dubbed “Vick’s All White 30th … Continue reading

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Dog Blogging

This is Kip my Australian Shepard mix, as you can see he is taking a break from a rough day of napping.

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We are stuck with McChrystal

A lot of people are calling for McChrystal to step down and he probably should after saying some pretty stupid and disrespectful thing in an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine, but I doubt his replacement would be any better. The … Continue reading

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Another right-wing utopia failure

Looks like Texas is starting to have some fiscal woes. Texas like Somalia and the Sudan is becoming one more example of why conservatism doesn’t work.

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open thread on animals in society

Got into an argument on another site about animals in research. If anyone wants to talk about I would love to hear peoples opinions. In a related note someone told me Micheal Vick won the most hated athlete in 2010, … Continue reading

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Obama did good

This is a follow-up to yesterdays post about some in the media complaining about the president’s speech on Tuesday night: The result was a $20 billion pot of money that will bring much-needed help to a devastated region. As one … Continue reading

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The Presidents speech last night

I watched a little bit of Olberman last night where, Howard Fineman, Chris Mathews and Keith Olberman pretty much hated Obama’s speech. I think they got it wrong. Obama hit on what is probably the most important part of the … Continue reading

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Maybe the Tea baggers are not all bad

I am starting to like Charley Crist and I doubt he would have been such a reasonable candidate if the Baggers hadn’t kicked him out of the ever shrinking republican party.

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“I am from BP and I am here to help” part 2

Looks like BP is not stepping up when it come to paying for the mess they have made: The financial toll of the oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico escalated Wednesday as BP’s stock plummeted to a 14-year … Continue reading

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Maybe the market is working

At least in the case of BP BP stock sank to its lowest point in 14 years Wednesday as investors feared the company would be overwhelmed by the costs of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, perhaps forcing … Continue reading

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But the doctor wont make as much money

Good medicine may not always be good for GDP Especially with breast and prostate cancer it seems like there are many incentives to over treat and certainly no financial incentives to just help the patient. I would be curious to … Continue reading

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Chicken’s for check-ups an idea that came and went

I am in Nevada today home of Sue Lowden the chicken for check-ups lady and she is not favored to win at least according to the local new here in Mesquite. Maybe this is a sign that the silly tea … Continue reading

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“I am from BP, and I am here to help”

One thing that the debacle in the Gulf of mexico has made clear is that private industry can’t do much to fix problems, even ones of their own creation. It might be time to just admit that with large scale … Continue reading

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Middle class conundrum

I was reading this article on the demise of the middle class and what can be done to stop it, the consenus seems to be that a better educated workforce could compete better and thus stay in the middle class. … Continue reading

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I hope everyone is having a great Holiday

This is probably the first Memorial day I have had off in my adult life, gotta say it is great. Just got back from a long bike ride, I wish every day was a holiday. I hope everyone is having … Continue reading

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