Author Archives: John Rove

And yet more debt ceiling talks

I still doubt the debt ceiling will get raised anytime soon, and if it does it will probably require every Democrat to vote for it and a few republicans to help them out; I just don’t see it, no republican … Continue reading

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More like Japan everyday

The U.S is heading for a lost decade and now a nuclear disaster: Nuclear regulators continue to insist there is no danger posed by a Nebraska nuke facility that had to switch to emergency generators to power reactor coolant tanks … Continue reading

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The debt crisis in Greece

I haven’t had much time to follow this, but is seems like it’s all about trying to save the banks from the consequences of their mistakes. Another worry is that Britain’s banks and hedge funds have written multibillion-pound insurance contracts … Continue reading

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The Clarence Thomas scandal

Clarance Thomas may be in some hot water.. It will be interesting to see how this plays out, it is probably pretty hard to get rid of a sitting supreme court justice, but if Democrats are looking for an issue … Continue reading

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Debt ceiling part whatever

The debt ceiling is not glamourous and doesn’t even have a Twitter Account, and maybe that’s why almost no one cares, but the talks are not going well. I wonder what will happen once the U.S starts to default on … Continue reading

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The debt ceiling is not going anywhere

I don’t think the republicans are in a place where they can vote for any raise in the debt ceiling and not lose the tea bagger vote, or at least face a tea bagger in the primary. Also keep in … Continue reading

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Something to be hopeful about

A scientific process that can end a lot of animal suffering, feed a lot Of people, and cut down on green house gas emissions.. Of course it will probably never happen because a few wealthy ranchers would have to move … Continue reading

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AARP is a scam

I have always thought AARP was little more than a marketing organization that targeted seniors, and today they proved it.

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Nuclear power 100 percent safe

I don’t get why anyone still supports nuclear energy. I guess someone must make a lot of money from constructing dangerous reactors or something.

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Does Hancock have himself a Wiener problem?

Denver’s mayoral election was pretty much a train wreck, neither candidate seemed to have much of a clue about the city, and now there is this: Prior to the mayoral election, Denver Mayor-elect Michael Hancock repeatedly asked Denver police if … Continue reading

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Debt ceiling will get resolved when leaders lead

In other words don’t bet on it. I don’t think you can ever underestimate our current group of politicians, and expecting them to do the right thing is pretty unlikely where the debt ceiling is concerned. Brilliant. If you ask … Continue reading

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More debt ceiling

Nate Silver doesn’t think the raising of the debt ceiling is impossible The bottom line: a vote to increase the debt limit would require the approval of all Safe Democrats, plus 50 of the 180 non-Tea Party Republicans. Those votes … Continue reading

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I always thought republicans wanted to be like Somalia

I guess they want to the U.S to be more like Pakistan</a. One of the never ending wonders of the republican world view is where does conservatism work? True conservative principles lead to third world countries and poverty yet they … Continue reading

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Debt ceiling is not going anywhere

I am starting to think the debt ceiling is not going to be raised anytime soon. For republicans it would be political suicide to vote to raise the debt ceiling and maybe for democrats as well. Even though it has … Continue reading

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The rich are different from you and me

Chris Christie refuses to walk a hundred yards. I am not really sure the rich are living any better but they sure manage to waste a lot of resources, while they are doing it.

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Republicans aren’t much interested in helping Missouri

Looks like Republicans are not too interested in helping Missouri. One thing I have never understood about people in the “heartland” is the way they vote. They are far more vulnerable to natural disasters and depend on federal programs for … Continue reading

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Misc. rapture thought

Mmmmm. Maybe all those Christians that didn’t get raptures today should be asking themselves what they are doing wrong

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They really don’t know what they are doing

Wall Street doesn’t seem to think the U.S will default on it’s debts, and Right now assigns zero probability to it happening in models used for predicting financial outcomes. These are the same people that didn’t believe home prices decrease. … Continue reading

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Our sex obsessed culture

As more sex scandals unfoldIt seems to me that the country would be much better off if we ignored them. I can’t think of one example where the country was better off because a sex scandal was discovered and reported … Continue reading

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The creeping police state

It seems like like after 9/11 the police state has been getting ever larger. I wonder where all the live free or die people are when things like this happen: A little-noticed Indiana Supreme Court decision late last week overturned … Continue reading

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John Mccaine does something right

John MCAine came out with the facts about torture and mentioned that it’s a moral issue. That still doesn’t excuse him for Sarah Palin but it’s a start

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Real energy independence

One of the latest right-wing myths is that clean energy can’t ever replace oil and coal. Looks like scientists disagree: ABU DHABI (Reuters) – Governments approved on Monday a U.N. report projecting that renewable energies such as solar, wind or … Continue reading

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Kristof is a moron

I don’t know why I read Nicholas Kristof in the NYtimes, I guess so I can get aggravated, today he tells us that people in Africa need family planning, this comes after years of talking about what a great job … Continue reading

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Maybe America can move on now

It seems that since 9/11 the U.S has had an inferiority complex, and maybe now with the killing of Bin Laden America can get back to being a country on the rise with a positive outlook, and not bunch of … Continue reading

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Only in America

It seems like living near a mall is a lot like living by a resort for some people.. I guess that makes sense though when you consider that for many people their main recreation is shopping.

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“it’s for your own good”

Wal-mart fired this guy for his own good Thirty-year-old former Wal-Mart employee Joseph Casias used marijuana to treat the symptoms of an inoperable brain tumor and sinus cancer. Casias was fired in 2009 after testing positive for marijuana. He had … Continue reading

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Vick does something right

Micheal Vick came out against the Android Dog fighting app. Maybe he is not a complete idiot. The other thing about Micheal Vick is that what he was doing may not have been that unique among NFL players, at least … Continue reading

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“I’m from BP and I am here to help”

Once again, can we stop pretending that the private sector can do everything right. or that BP can do anything right for that matter.

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Mittens Romney doesn’t know much

In an op-Ed Mitt Romnet forgot about a few wars.. I guess you can make a case that Obama has done such a good job in the war on terror that most conservative seem to have forgot about it. You … Continue reading

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How to balance the budget

I got this from Kevin Drum: So sure, maybe Britain and France should have more planes and more bombs. But really, there’s not a lot of point to arguing over nits like this. For them to project power effectively, even … Continue reading

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