Author Archives: Al Swearengen

Weak Dollar

The dollar has been battered consistently for a while now already, but it’s only the beginning.  Keep in mind that more often than not, an unemployed American worker is someone who has to make interest payments or else face bankruptcy.  … Continue reading

Posted in Words | 5 Comments

Holdings 7/16/08

Two more transactions for this morning. Diversifying further out of gold, increasing stake in BAM and keeping cash on hand.

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A Nervous Man

Posted in Economics | 1 Comment

Hunt Oil Contract in Kurdistan

(TP) President Bush denied knowledge of the contract, saying that he “knew nothing about the deal” and was “concerned”: I knew nothing about the deal. I need to know exactly how it happened. To the extent that it does undermine … Continue reading

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Ten Years Ago, Bin Laden Demanded Barrel Of Oil Should Cost $144

(TP) “In a 1998 interview, Osama bin Laden — the terrorist organizer of 9/11 who still roams free — listed as one of his many grievances against the U.S. that Americans “have stolen $36 trillion from Muslims” by purchasing oil … Continue reading

Posted in Bush idocy, Economics | 17 Comments

Bad Month

“U.S. stocks tumbled, sending the Dow Jones Industrial Average to its worst June since the Great Depression, as record oil prices, credit-market write downs and a slowing economy threatened to extend a yearlong profit slump…Initial jobless claims totaled 384,000 in … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Economics | 6 Comments

Wesley Clark on McCain’s Military Credentials

How about this?

Posted in Military, Politics | 2 Comments

I Applaud This Strategy

Hoping for as much of this as we can possibly get between now and November!

Posted in Politics, Video | 2 Comments


I don’t know if there’s a medical term for how my mind works, but the evidence of something significant going on thus far is irrefutable. My job used to consist of taking care of the boys by day, and going … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen | 2 Comments

Obama Speaking to Staff

June 6, 2008 –

Posted in History, Politics, Video | 3 Comments

You Fucking Crybaby Suckers

You volunteered for the military, so eat shit and be thankful for it! This guy is arguing that since a teenager volunteered for the Army, it means they really want to be a soldier for the rest of their life…right…no … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Politics, Video | 1 Comment

High Gas Prices = Less Demand

Rove made this observation here…I found a nice chart on Think Progress pertaining to this:

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Chuck Burgundy

Now that HBO is in a coma, this is probably my favorite show:

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Ticking Time Bomb

How many of these scenarios have there ever actually been?

Posted in Al Swearengen, History, Justice | 1 Comment

Buffett Says Credit Crisis Ebbs for Wall Street Firms

By Josh P. Hamilton and Betty Liu – May 3 (Bloomberg) — Warren Buffett, chief executive officer of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., said the global credit crunch has eased for bankers, and the Federal Reserve probably averted more failures by helping … Continue reading

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The Reverend Wright Gambit

It’s hard to get around the fact that this is an example of Obama playing on the stupidity of the media to get Hillary off of the television screen.  It is a fact that by having him up in front … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Politics | 1 Comment

How to use a phone

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Bosnia and Back Again

Very well done…

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Obama on Last Night’s Debate

One cool customer…

Posted in Politics | 1 Comment

Merck wrote the research & doctors signed it for money

JAMA published this today. Every one of these doctors need to provide answers to the medical community, and if they didn’t actually conduct the research they attached their name to, their medical license should be revoked. People are dead because … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Justice | 1 Comment

The new thing

The final assignment was turned in at 2:34AM this morning, and the paper that says I have attained the rank of B.S. in our society will be here soon.  It couldn’t come a moment too soon.  The job I started … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen | 8 Comments

The Turning Point

Senator Voinovich A big moment…

Posted in History, Military, Politics, Video | 1 Comment

I’ve got a trade on the way

Selling at least half of the gold. Buying Transocean (w/in a week or two), natural gas producers (basket – ETF, Russian play, NGS?), BAM (Brookfield Asset Management), long Yen short USD (looking for an ETF)…selling 15% of the IAU shares … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Economics | Comments Off on I’ve got a trade on the way

Randi Rhodes

I guess you can’t have a radio show and be controversial at the same time…she should sue Air America. To me it looks like she’s doing an appearance somewhere. So if her contract doesn’t stipulate what she can and cannot … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Politics, Video | 1 Comment


I guess CNN scrubbed the transcript:

Posted in Politics, Video | 3 Comments

Going off on a storm trooper

There’s this idiot over at Control Congress named bb who back in November agreed to wager on which party would win in 2008. I’ve been working hard lately, so the blog world is pretty much dead to me. Never forgetting … Continue reading

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Kenard on the radio

A couple of the child actors from The Wire…Omar’s killer and Michael’s little brother appear on radio show.

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Obama’s speech on economics


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Don Siegelman is being released!

I’ve written about this a few times, and have been checking out Scott Horton’s posts over at Harper’s…this 60 Minutes piece will bring you up to speed if you don’t know anything about this:

Posted in Justice | Comments Off on Don Siegelman is being released!

Obama’s Speech on Race

One of the best speeches in my lifetime:

Posted in Al Swearengen, History, Politics | 1 Comment