Author Archives: Al Swearengen

Treasure, Rich, Fascism and Summary

T: “Perhaps the rationale for why we lost is already in the works, with liberals, the media, UN and most likely the Iraqis themselves ending up responsible in the end when a right-winger tells the story to their sons and … Continue reading

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Stupid, Morbid, Insane and Omar

S: I love this: “But then, Dowd is part of our dumbest professional cohort—she’s one of our millionaire pundits. She’s vastly overpaid and over-praised—and she’s dumb as a bunch of old rocks.” (Daily Howler) M: More important than that though, … Continue reading

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First videos on deadissue – Tillman/Lynch Hearing

(Hootsbuddy hasn’t been able to view this, so can everyone do me a favor and indicate in a comment whether you can view this video or not and what type of browser you’re using for the internet? Thanks!) This was … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Video | 4 Comments

Virginia Moves On

In the spirit of this conservative movement that is thankfully careening towards a period of hibernation, we have another state-level temper tantrum or I suppose you could call it a “freedom fries moment” in the south, only this time it’s … Continue reading

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Giuliani Steps on a Land Mine

As much as I hate to refer to or promote cable “news”, these Special Comments from Keith Olbermann’s show are as patriotic and historically poignant as anything I’ve ever witnessed in the public speaking arena. It’s a slice of Howard … Continue reading

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You Want Answers? Well…

Lt. Col. Ralph Kauzlarich is obviously feeling put upon by all this attention being paid to how one of his soldiers died a couple years ago. The family just keeps asking questions, asking questions, asking questions, and now it has … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, History, Military | 8 Comments

Palestine Peace Not Apartheid

The beltway’s reaction to president Carter’s book ‘Palestine Piece Not Apartheid‘ was overly insulting to both him and the topic he was writing about. My knowledge of the Middle East and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict wasn’t half of what it is … Continue reading

Posted in History | 1 Comment

Harry Reid’s Stepping Up

Harry Reid is earning respect in mass quantities these past two weeks. I’ve been critical – Is Harry Reid a Gamer? – but he’s shaking things up in DC right now. Some quotes: In his remarks, Reid criticized Bush and … Continue reading

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Arm Fratboys -or- Curb Straw Purchases?

So here we go again – I posted the following at Control Congress on 3/19/07: Straw Purchases – The second amendment allows for rednecks to open up gun depots in states allowing on demand background checks and firearms to criminals … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Words | 5 Comments

Newt Gingrich – Tragetunity Strikes!

Gingrich after Columbine: “I want to say to the elite of this country – the elite news media, the liberal academic elite, the liberal political elite: I accuse you in Littleton…of being afraid to talk about the mess you have … Continue reading

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bBlogBouillabaisse – Sleeping Monkey

Larry Johnson from No Quarter tells George Tenet (hoping to cash in on a book) to give his Medal of Freedom back. Being an ex-CIA agent, Larry’s take on this is great. The Osterley Times is on top of the … Continue reading

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Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)

US Army Reserves Colonel (Retired) Ann Wright: Rohrabacher said if European countries did not cooperate with the United States and go along with whatever the Bush administration wanted, they were condemning their countrymen to death by not using extralegal methods … Continue reading

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Sebastian Telfair

He was driving 77 in a 45, with a piece under his seat, one which his friend riding shotgun failed to claim, so who knows if some work was put in with it before the owner broke into Telfair’s whip … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Sports | 4 Comments


This thread will be an open diary on Gonzo’s testimony in front of the Senate…so far I’ve been able to catch a collection of idiots holding up signs in the hearing room, and right now Orin Hatch is stimulating the … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Words | 2 Comments

Tonight’s South Park

I’ve got a feeling of dread right now…knowing how they like to jump right on the big story. In the “going too far” category, I don’t know of any show or entertainer that does it as often as they do, … Continue reading

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Don’t Assault Our Tragedies! (9/13/2004)

Original Post – The incident yesterday made me think about the abundance of words I’ve got squirreled away somewhere within the depths of various Google Groups (my outlet for many years prior to starting deadissue), but before all that is … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Words | 3 Comments

Our Puppet is Not Well

Since right-wingers are focusing on repeating over and over that the security situation within Iraq is improving, I’m quite sure that Democrats will continue to repeat over and over that a political solution is necessary to achieve any positive result. … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Words | 1 Comment

My Fellow Americans…Welcome to Baghdad

Pay close attention to the coverage of this most recent shooting-spree in Virgina, as the witnesses are interviewed, the tears brand our brains permanent in puffs of smoke and agony, like the “bad news” from Iraq never seems to accomplish. … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Words | 6 Comments

Portfolio Updates – A & B

The correction from last month, along with a significant drop in the value of NTES, has led to some stress with these two, but resisting the urge to overplay and reading up on what’s happening over the past few weeks … Continue reading

Posted in Economics | 10 Comments

Arlen Specter – Reluctant Hack

Senator Arlen Specter made statements on Sunday, ahead of tomorrow’s hearing to determine whether or not Attorney General Alberto Gonzales can remember his lines, suggesting that the fired US Attorneys who were let go without proper cause be reinstated. We’ve … Continue reading

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Those Classy Republicans…

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Somewhere between Belarus and Zimbabwe

Protests in the United States have been easier to ignore in the age of oblivion, with more than enough channels and free pornography out there to keep the majority busy, background checks prior to getting hired for a dream job, … Continue reading

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Refugees That Nobody Talks About

“By the end of 2006, there were almost two million Iraqis living as refugees outside their country—most of them in Syria and Jordan…American policy held that these Iraqis were not refugees, that they would go back to their country as … Continue reading

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French Fighters in Africa (Feb 1895)

This is a small excerpt from an article in Harpers from 1895 that has to do with a period of history I’ve been trying to study up on lately, the insurgent Arabs in Algeria who were living under French imperial … Continue reading

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RIP – Kurt Vonnegut

Readers of deadissue know how I loved this guy. My heart goes out to his family, friends, fans and every character to escape from his mind onto the pages upon pages upon pages of timeless thoughts and words all destined … Continue reading

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War Czar

From the AP story ‘White House considers war overseer‘: “The White House is looking into creating a higher profile position that would have the single, full time focus on implementing and executing the recently completed strategic reviews for both Iraq … Continue reading

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Is It Safe?

From ‘Another Enemy of the People‘ by Professor Walter F. Murphy, emeritus of Princeton University: “…When I tried to use the curb-side check in at the Sunport, I was denied a boarding pass because I was on the Terrorist Watch … Continue reading

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Some Stern Inspiration

I’ve been writing tonight over at a site I’d known about for a while, but for some reason hadn’t registered at (SternFanNetwork). Since I debate politics online 95% of the time or more, the connection hadn’t been made until now. … Continue reading

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Sopranos Season 7 – Who Gets Dead First?

I’m sure there are betting lines out there for all this, but I’ve only got about 30 minutes until the first episode of this final season kicks off. One name I feel has a grave-bound destiny by the hands of … Continue reading

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Georgia Thompson – DOJ Victim

I’m shooting for an entirely fact-based formated blog post, and here’s one on a casualty of the politicization of the Justice Department. The woman’s name is Georgia Thompson, and her life was ruined for the sake of a Republican’s campaign … Continue reading

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