Author Archives: Al Swearengen


Posted in Military, Video | 2 Comments

Life During Wartime

Justice at Stake: Ensuring That Prisoners in the U.S. Are Never ‘Disappeared’- by Shahid Buttar, posted at The Peace Tree Hadrian’s Forum: “The American founding fathers were well versed in Roman history. People such as Washington, Madison and Jefferson, were … Continue reading

Posted in Justice, Military, Politics | 3 Comments

The Last Bill Hicks Show (Igby’s L.A. 11/17/93)

There are other comics worth featuring here, but its during times like these when Hicks is the one I think about most often. Imagine him teeing off on Dubya! RIP Bill…

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Chickenhawks, Scapegoats, Don Young’s Teeth

Max Blumenthal – College GOP Convention Keith Olbermann – Special Comment “Scapegoat”

Posted in Comedy, Military, Politics, Video | 7 Comments

Portfolio Update (5 Months, +8.67%)

It’s been a good month. PBR (PetroBrazil) and CNQ (CanadaNatlResources) are my two most solid picks, having generated over 100K since February, and surging to this day. I got out of ACI (coal) and cut my position in BAM (BrookfieldAssetMgmt) … Continue reading

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Iraq Debate – Senator Landrieu

Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA)!!!! I watched a few hours of this yesterday and overnight, but this clip right here was the most impressive speech I’ve heard on Iraq in a long time. (h/t Crooks and Liars) Senator Durbin explaining the … Continue reading

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Ricky Gervais Meets Christopher Guest (5 Parts)

Part 1

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The Blame Game – ‘Oil or Bust’ Edition

Saudi Arabia is responsible for the majority of foreign fighters in Iraq1, and in terms of funding2, has for decades been facilitating the flow of funds from collection plates to madrassahs in places like Pakistan, and also to finance jihad3 … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military, Politics | 2 Comments

Jim Webb vs. Lindsey Graham

Webb is probably the first senator I’ve seen on one of these weekend shows throw down on behalf of the troops.  He is pointing out how ridiculous Graham, McCain and others sound when they say, “I’ve spoken to the troops, … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Politics | 1 Comment


Chickenhawk vs. Cindy Sheehan Pertaining to the White House dumbing down explainations of what is happening in Iraq by attributing everything bad to al-Qaida, it’d been killing me these past few weeks. My first ray of hope was this … Continue reading

Posted in Military, Politics | Comments Off on Drowned

Here’s the Pat Tillman Coverup

“Following the Committee’s April 24, 2007, hearing on the Tillman fratricide, the Committee wrote to White House Counsel Fred Fielding seeking “all documents received or generated by any official in the Executive Office of the President” relating to Corporal Tillman’s … Continue reading

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Kickass Clips

#1 – The Sanctity of Marriage #2 – Christian extremists disrupt Hindu Senate invocation #3 – Bush Loyalty?

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Time For Scary Scary

“I believe we are entering a period this summer of increased risk. We could easily be attacked. Summertime seems to be appealing to them. We do worry that they are rebuilding their activities.” – Chertoff bases ‘gut feeling’ on history, … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 7 Comments

NYC Firefighters Blast Giuliani

(h/t C&L)There had been ripples of this being in the cards for Rudi once this campaign progressed. I posted something concerning the air conditions in NYC after 9/11, and began filtering for news on this. The NYTimes ran a story … Continue reading

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Casting for 9/11 ‘The Sequel’

The story is going to be buried (U.S. Aborted Raid on Qaeda Chiefs in Pakistan in ’05), and our country will once again be left stupefied, wondering “what happened”, as the Pulitzer Prize winning book Ghost Wars by Steve Coll … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, History, Military | 2 Comments

The Libby Results Are In

If you ever wanted some assurance that the free-ride is finally over for our beloved bubble boy, the reaction from left to right is bound to make you smile. While there’s a thick fog surrounding the most vehemently childish portion … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 5 Comments

Immigration Debate – My Contribution

Arnold Schwarzenegger has phone sex on Howard Stern Show

Posted in Comedy | 1 Comment

Beck – Jackass

“…and we will, rise in the cool of the evening”

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bBlogBouillabaisse – Novocaine

Chavez Meets Ahmadinejad in Tehran Beatbox…talent? skill? exercise? disorder? New Drug Deletes Bad Memories Judge lifts injunction on ‘DC madam’ phone records Biden on Bush: “This guy is braindead.” Catches Geek Squad Stealing Porn From Customer’s Computer (Video) Statements … Continue reading

Posted in Words | 1 Comment

Happy July 5th!

I hope everyone took it easy – no mangled body parts due to fireworks and such. Here’s Keith Olbermann’s latest Special Comment regarding Bush granting clemency to Libby. This thing is already covered a million different ways all over the … Continue reading

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Bill Hicks’ Legendary One Night Stand, 1990

RIP Bill:

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The Political Cost of Republican Nativism

Posted in Al Swearengen, Politics | 16 Comments

A.Q. Khan – aka “Fallout Boy”

A Pakistani scientist peddled nuclear arms technology to Iran, North Korea and probably Harlem as well for all we know, which justifies jail time at least, if not a USA-certified “enemy combatant” designation. Imagine the amount of dire scenarios that … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Military | 1 Comment

Government Mule – Mule

With the late Allen Woody on bass:

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RMD – ResMed Inc.

This company manufacturers and sells a medical device known as the CPAP. Consisting of a motor, tube and mask, the CPAP pumps a steady continuous flow of air through the mask and into the nose of a person while they … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Economics | 1 Comment

4 Great Clips

Lewis Black on right-wing paranoia Michael Moore is interviewed by CNBC outside of the New York Stock Exchange (They wouldn’t let him in!) Tommy Chong on Neil Cavuto’s show Classic Barney Frank clip from 2006 (the GOP had just attached … Continue reading

Posted in Video | 10 Comments


I haven’t written about anything market-related in a couple weeks. This is mainly due to other demands on my time, but my reading regime hasn’t waned, so the ideas I have are plentiful. One thing that’s on my mind is … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Economics | 1 Comment

The Murder of Jose Padilla

Week after week, this guy Padilla manages to look more and more like the poster child for what Republican authoritarianism is great at producing. There are many more taxpaying victims of small government, anti-New Deal conservatism out there, from Katrina … Continue reading

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The Shadow Government

In honor of the release of CIA documents revealing some of our more shady actions, I wanted to share this documentary called “The Shadow Government”, which appeared on PBS in the mid 1980s amidst the Iran-Contra scandal. Larry Johnson, the … Continue reading

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NBA Draft 2007

The Celts got smacked around once more by the ping-pong curse, and so the #5 pick on Thursday night is what we’ve ended up with after posting the 2nd worst record. As depressing as it was to watch the western … Continue reading

Posted in Al Swearengen, Sports | 4 Comments