Romney is done

This Kind of echoes what I said about last weeks republican debate. Romney came out for social security, and many if not most republicans don’t like social security. My guess, is that most republicans really think non-whites somehow come out ahead with the program. I am somewhat surprised Romney didn’t get this before he doubled down on social security and “saving” it.

My guess is he gave the nomination to Perry at that moment, and as much as the money people in the republican party want to stop it, they are going to have Rick Perry as their nominee. It’s also worth mentioning that even without Romney’s error on social security their is no way the evangelicals in then republican part base would nominate a Mormon.

I wonder how long before aspiring Mormon candidates start to realize that they have a better chance running as democrats, after all it works for Harry Reid, probably because democrats are less bigoted towards Mormons than republicans.

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