Monthly Archives: March 2011

Tea party in NUT shell

I think this explains the Tea Party and why it isn’t so much a movement as an angry group therapy session: The point is, we should stop looking for ideological consistency from a group of well-intentioned but easily-misled conservative activists. … Continue reading

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Chernobyl two?

A while back I saw a TV special on Chernobyl, and most of the area around the reactor uninhabitable. I wonder if Japan is not going to have vast areas that are also uninhabitable for many years. This latest string … Continue reading

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Republicans starting to feel the heat in Wisconsin

Looks like the recall effort is starting to gather some steam.. If working people can pull this off and get some of these douche bags out of office politicians might think twice before doing the Koch’s dirty work.

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Meat free Monday

I think I have posted this before but it seems like a good idea. Not only is it good for humane reasons it’s also good for health reasons.

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Mark Penn, worlds worst strategist, was actually right

I came across this strategy memo by Mark Penn, and realized that he wasn’t a complete idiot, he anylized the republican lizard brains quite well. ( BTW I did not mean to insult lizards with that last remark. Penn Strategy … Continue reading

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Our oil based economy may not work so great

I think this explains a lot of our current problems pretty well: In general, I feel like there’s huge denial around the role of petroleum in America’s trade deficit. Back in the 1940s and 1950s, US firms had a dominant … Continue reading

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