Monthly Archives: February 2011

Maybe oraganized Labor is not dead

i am starting to think that by trying to kill oraganized labor the GOP may have revived it. and Kieth Olberman is back

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You can’t buy your way to health

People don’t seem to get healthier as health spending goes up.. Part of the reason healthcare spending is not raising overall levels of health is that generally the most unhealthy people are the ones spending the most on healthcare. This … Continue reading

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Conservatariasm fail

Modern conservatism is a coalition of libertarians and theocrats, neither of which have ever successfully governed any where. A couple of states are starting to show why, like here: A couple of states are starting to show why and here. … Continue reading

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Another wall falls?

The happenings in the Middle-East may be much more significant than people most people seem to realize. It will be interesting to see how the US deals with this new and more democratic Middle-East, hopefully we learned a few things … Continue reading

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Good job in Egypt

It seems like Egypt went about like George Bush and co said Iraq would go. People were unhappy with a dictator and wanted him gone and in the case of Egypt he is gone with no American bloodshed and relatively … Continue reading

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Why the NFL sux

Looks like the NFL is headed for a lockout.. Which if you are a Bronco fan may be a good thing. The NFL is starting to remind me of much of corporate America, where profits have become the only goal, … Continue reading

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“get the f!%k out of my face”

Looks like Micheal Vick is back.. Towards the end of the season Vick’s game seemed to return, and by that I mean a running quarterback that could throw a long pass; but not win games. It looks like the rest … Continue reading

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Which was worse?

I can’t decide if the Black Eyed Peas were the worst part about yesterdays Superbowl or if the game was the worst part. Five-years ago the Peas were cool and so was the NFL now they both suck.

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