Monthly Archives: January 2011

Science not at work

One of the reasons that I don’t get that enthused about more funding for science is that the powers that be NIH, FDA and the USDA seem to be wholly owned subsidiaries of big business and not particularly interested in … Continue reading

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One of those light bulb moments

I just saw this the last part made much of the economiic problem in the U.S clear to me: Young Americans already face a future defined by an inescapable reckoning. They already tend to look at our grand entitlements as … Continue reading

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I wasn’t able to watch the State of The Union speech last night or actually watch either of the rebuttals, but I was able to listen to most of it (I guess Sirrius radio is not a complete waste of … Continue reading

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States looking to file bankruptcy, just like big business

It looks like some states may be filing bankruptcy if congress can get a law passed that will allow them to do it.. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Texas is leading the push for this, conservatism always leads … Continue reading

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And the meek shall inherit the earth

At least one scientist seems to think religion gives people an advantage when it comes to long term survival.. But I am not so sure they should be happy about the traits he lists: Rowthorn contended that scientists widely agree … Continue reading

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There’s an app for that?

Looks like apple is making more money from Apps than from music, which seems odd to me, I am somewhat addicted to my Ipad, but I don’t think I have ever paid for an App and the only two Apps … Continue reading

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This is gonna be good

Wikileaks has some interesting stuff to say about tax evaders.

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Foreclosure madness

Everyone seems to be ignoring the foreclosure crisis.. I don’t really know what to say about the crisis other than a bunch of vacant homes seems like a waste, if banks are going to foreclose on them they should be … Continue reading

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Maybe Palin is starting to feel the heat

Sarah Palin is starting to sound very defensive about some of her statements that may have incited violence.. The entire Palin schtick is to say something inflammatory and then basically say “just kidding” kind of like any mean kid in … Continue reading

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Maybe the stock market is not a good place for social security

Maybe people are starting to realize that the stock market is not much more than a casino: It seems to me there’s this kind of lurking bug in capitalism. The whole system relies, more or less, on a steady supply … Continue reading

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Tea bagger terrorism continued

Krugman looks at what led to the shooting in Arizona, I think this part explains it well: As Clarence Dupnik, the sheriff responsible for dealing with the Arizona shootings, put it, it’s “the vitriolic rhetoric that we hear day in … Continue reading

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More tea bagger terrorism?

A democratic congresswomen was assinated today in AZ.. First they came for the abortion doctors and now the immigration reformers. Update: some outlets are reporting that she is alive: Giffords is expected to live, according to Tucson’s deputy city manager, MSNBC … Continue reading

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Why wikileaks matters

Much of the stuff flowing out of wikileaks was already known but still got everyone all riled up, Matthew Ygesias explains why: …thanks to WikiLeaks it crossed the line from being something “everyone says” to something people in the media … Continue reading

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Second chance commission

Most of this sounds like a pretty good idea. Right now one of the biggest problems facing the U.S is the number of people behind bars, anything that can reduce the number of people in prison, and at the same … Continue reading

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End energy subsidies

I doubt this is what the tea-party crowd thinks of when they talk of ending government programs, but maybe they can be shamed into ending subsidies for rich white guys. If President Obama wants to set us on a path … Continue reading

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Chris Christie plays the “daddy card”

At this point it seems pretty obvious that New Jersey governor Chris Christie screwed up when he left the state so he wouldn’t have to deal with a large snowstorm headed towards their way, but his excuse that he did … Continue reading

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