More discussion of Micheal Vick

Looks like other people are discussing Vick.. I still think the shooting at his birthday party was very suspicious and somebody paid off some witnesses. With that said, the message that convicted felons deserve a second chance is a good one; i’m just not sure Vick is the best example of a rehabilitated felon out there.

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One Response to More discussion of Micheal Vick

  1. John rove says:

    I kept meaning to update this post with the whole Tucker Carlson, Vick should be executed meme, but sort of forgot. But it does lead to some interesting questions mostly about people like Sarah Palin who are just as cruel to animals and are not punished for it. Or even lab animal researchers, I have seen worse things happen to beagles in labs than anything micheal Vick ever dreamed of doing.

    If Carlson really feels strongly about these issues maybe he should start calling on all animal abusers to be punished equally.

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