Why do conservitives hate trains?

I really am starting to wonder why conservitives are so against rail projects

Florida would need 23,000 people to build the rail line, and to find as many as 1,000 workers to operate it. The train would stimulate businesses along the line and help turn Orlando and Tampa into a single market that attracts entrepreneurs eager to reap the benefits of the nation’s most advanced transit system.

Why would Rick Scott oppose such a system? Because President Obama’s stimulus program, which he savages, underwrites so much of it? Because it has become a badge of honor among conservative governors to reject federally funded rail projects? Because, even though it would better connect Floridians and deliver all those jobs, Mr. Scott thinks opposition would somehow help him among his conservative constituency?

Sometimes I think that conservitives just want to punish people who that don’t have cars or choose not to drive them. other than that I cannot think of a reason why they would kill so may jobs.

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