More reefer madness

Looks like other people are starting to no notice pot legalization may have a coattail effect.

Pollsters have noted a distinct increase in youth voter enthusiasm in California in recent months, attributed largely to Proposition 19, the ballot initiative that, if approved, would decriminalize, regulate and tax marijuana in the state.

Transferred to other elections, that additional enthusiasm could be enough to propel Democratic candidates in other states to victory in 2012. Where tight races exist, even a relatively small increase in the youth turnout could tilt the election in the Democrats’ favor. As the WSJ notes, the under-30 voter turnout in California in 2008 accounted for 6.5 percent of the total electorate; this year, pollsters expect the youth vote to account for 11 percent of the total votes cast. The paper reports:

After watching conservatives use anti-gay ballot at measures to get other conservatives to the polls it would be great to see the same tactic used for something good.

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