Monthly Archives: October 2010

The market has decided and you are guilty

The more I talk about this the more I realize the market does not work for a lot of things. Like for private prisons.

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Violent criminal demands apology from victim

This is sort of like Ginni Thomas trying to get Annita Hill to apologize to her husband, the porn loving supreme court justice Clarence Thomas. In the Case of Tim Proffit, the now infamous Kentucky stomper, his comments might be … Continue reading

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Live boys, dead girls, porn and Clarence Thomas

I am starting to think this story might have legs, it not about the sex, of course it is all about the perjury, and a crazy wife of a supreme court justice. speaking out after 19 years, the former girlfriend … Continue reading

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Ken Buck, hearts rapists and other criminals

Ken Buck sure seems like a soft on crime liberal, or maybe he just thinks the government shouldn’t interfere with criminal enterprises.

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Taxppayers made money off the bailout

Looks like the country came out way ahead from the TARP bailout. According to some people 25 billion dollars ahead. So, as much fun as it would have been to watch all the banks go under and see the Wallstreet … Continue reading

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More reefer madness

This article is does a great job reporting on the Marijuana industry in California. The interesting part for me is that the growers are what libertarians want to be, people who live off the grid and make their own way. … Continue reading

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Best healthcare in the world

If you think people should die young that is.. The other eye popping fact from the report is that the U.S spends almost twice as much on healthcare as any other country and we are still ranked 49th in life … Continue reading

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Ken Buck, gay twelve stepper?

Sometimes I think conservatives project their issues on to others

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Maybe this year’s election will be better than some expect

Most major polling organization do not poll cell phones I would assume that most cell only households are younger people who seem to overwhelmingly vote for Democrats. This article gives me hope, but I think it is still going to … Continue reading

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Markets always work

Accept when they don’t

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pro-rape, pro-incest continued

If Ken Buck gets elected we can probably look forward to incidents like this in the United States. i don’t see how anyone that is not a complete misogynist could support Buck.

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Conservatives meet reality, and reality loses

Farmers don’t like it when someone threatens to take away their entitlements: ELIZABETH — Out among farmers and ranchers, the philosophy of limited government and self-sufficiency must survive another meeting with reality. Colorado growers average hundreds of millions of dollars … Continue reading

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More reefer madness

Looks like other people are starting to no notice pot legalization may have a coattail effect. Pollsters have noted a distinct increase in youth voter enthusiasm in California in recent months, attributed largely to Proposition 19, the ballot initiative that, … Continue reading

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The anus of the bible belt

This is one of the funniest things I have ever read, the entire article is really good but this part almost made me spit my lunch on my ipad: Buried deep in the anus of the Bible Belt, in a … Continue reading

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Republican gains predicted by statistical theories

I thought this was one of the more interesting points made about the upcoming election and the likely republican gains: It is always worth beginning this conversation with a recognition that given where things stood in January 2009, large House … Continue reading

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another reason to be glad Obama is president

Things like this make me glad I voted for Obama For the first time in more than a decade, the federal government is funding sex education programs that aren’t based solely on abstinence. But they’re not just about handing out … Continue reading

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