The throwback Pepsi diet

At the beginning of the summer i bought eight 12packs of Throwback Pepsi, which is Pepsi made with real suger rather than high fructose corn syrup. I stocked up mostly because I liked the taste, and I had also considered selling them on e-bay as they are rummored to go for $12 for a twelve papck. During that time I lost 16 pounds and went from a BMI 26.4 to a BMI of 24.1. At some point in there I stopped drinking regular Pepsi all together, and if I was traveling or out at a restaurant I would drink iced tea or water, but I am pretty sure that is the only major change I made to my diet. I did notice as I got lighter it was easier to exercise, I might run for an extra mile or ride my bike a little farther. Once my weight got under 180 pounds(at the beginning of the summer I weighed 184 pounds) I stopped getting sore when I exercised.

This experience made me realize two things, first, if you can lose a little bit of weight things really do get easier, and second, how bad is high fructose corn syrup?

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