More Reefer Madness

Here is hoping I can make a link work from my ipad:

“America’s policy for almost 70 years has been to keep marijuana—arguably no more harmful than alcohol and used by 15 million Americans every month—confined to the illicit market, meaning we’ve given criminals a virtual monopoly on something that US researcher Jon Gettman estimates is a $36 billion a year industry, greater than corn and wheat combined,” Johnson wrote.

Last week, the California Council of Churches IMPACT, which claims to represent 21 denominations with 1.5 million worshipers, officially endorsed California’s Proposition 19, the ballot initiative that could see the state become the first in the Union to decriminalize marijuana by popular decree.

It is good to see churches doing something helpful politically and it also shows economic potential of marijuana legalization to maybe help end or at least lessen the recession we find ourselves in.

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One Response to More Reefer Madness

  1. John Rove says:

    Doesn’t look like I have figured out the art of linking with an ipad yet, but here is the link to the article in rawstory

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