Say goodbye to Micheal Vick?

Looks like Vick may be in more trouble than we thought:

A man named in reports as Quanis Phillips, one of his co-defendants in his 2007 dog fighting conviction, was shot near the restaurant on the night of the June 24 party.

Vick’s lawyer had said he left the restaurant long before the shooting and had no involvement in it.

But surveillance video from the restaurant reportedly shows Vick was still there just three minutes before the shooting.

Police say Vick has not been ruled out as a suspect or person of interest in the investigation.

Vick is on probation and is not supposed to associate with convicted felons.

(Bolding mine)
It seems like the story keeps changing and Vick seems to be looking more and more like he had a part in the shooting. This sort of reminds me of O.J Simpson where he just kept pushing his luck, until he wound up in prison for probably the rest of his life.

UPDATE: This article seems to imply the same thing.

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