Monthly Archives: July 2010

Being Christian means you don’t have to do your job

Back in the day Right thinker used to argue that pharmacists shouldn’t have to help women, or black people for that matter if they had a religous reason for being a douchebag. Looks like many christians thienk their religion allows … Continue reading

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Secrets for happy retirement

I got this from yahoo: A social network. The Greenwich study also found that having friends was far more important to retirement bliss than having kids. Those who have strong social networks are 30 percent happier with their lives than … Continue reading

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Latest tea-party hissy fit

The we are mad all the time crowd has manufactured another contraversy, this time over imagined racism. If you have ever dated a drama queen you can understand how the conservative movement operates and at some point you have to … Continue reading

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proud right-wing terrorist

If this guy wasn’t dangerous the story would be completely funny: A California man, whose mother said he was upset about Congress’ “left-wing agenda,” allegedly opened fire on police officers during a traffic stop in Oakland early Sunday morning… Another … Continue reading

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“We don’t need no paved roads’

This has shown up in a lot of places and it is certainly worth talking about: Paved roads, historical emblems of American achievement, are being torn up across rural America and replaced with gravel or other rough surfaces as counties … Continue reading

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I don’t think “freedom” means what they think it means

The latest right-wing wierdness is that government, by trying to help people, is interferring with freedom of religion. I think what they are really afraid of, is that people will no longer have to depend on religous groups for help, … Continue reading

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Guilty until the witnesse$ talk

The Eagles are saying Vick will be able to travel with the team. I get that Vick is innocent of the shooting until proven guilty, but the NFL doesn’t have to let him play until he proves that he wasn’t … Continue reading

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Our Doctors ain’t smart

I have always thought one of the problems with medical research is that it is mostly done by people that couldn’t get into medical school, apparentely even people who do get into med school are pretty incompetent. Why aren’t hospitals … Continue reading

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I’m from BP and I am here to help

The New York Times has an article on BP and some of the companies many screw-ups. What really jumped out at me was this paragraph: Tom Kirchmaier, a lecturer in strategy at the Manchester Business School, said that Mr. Browne … Continue reading

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Vick: the home back-up quarterback?

It is good to see Vick facing some consequences for his actions: Micheal Vickhas been barred from traveling out of Pennsylvania by probation officials in the wake of a shooting after his birthday party last month, a Philadelphia TV station … Continue reading

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Rich deadbeats?

This has been all over the internet: The housing bust that began among the working class in remote subdivisions and quickly progressed to the suburban middle class is striking the upper class in privileged enclaves like this one in Silicon … Continue reading

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Why don’t the witnes$$es’s want to talk

Looks Like Vick may not be held accountable for this latest incident. The Virginia Beach police say they are done with Michael Vick, and, maybe, done with the case that might have cost Vick his second chance in the NFL. … Continue reading

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Another conservatopia

Colorado Springs Colorado aspires to be like Somalia: At Village Green Park, just off Carefree Circle on the city’s east side, weeds flourish, and stenciled onto a bathroom door: “Restrooms Closed Due to Budget Restrictions.” “If you have kids who … Continue reading

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Say goodbye to Vick part 2

Looks like other people are starting to think it is time to cut Vick: Last August, after the Eagles’ shocking decision to sign the reinstated Vick, Lurie spoke with unprecedented candor and visible anguish during a news conference at the … Continue reading

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More dog and cat blogging

Another picture of Kip and Cory in the kitchen, apparentely we all like it there. They seem to be smiling for the camera today

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Say goodbye to Micheal Vick?

Looks like Vick may be in more trouble than we thought: A man named in reports as Quanis Phillips, one of his co-defendants in his 2007 dog fighting conviction, was shot near the restaurant on the night of the June … Continue reading

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