Vick left the club ten-minutes before shots were fired. mmmm

Things that make you go MMMM.

Woodward said Vick left the club Guadalajara at Town Center shopping center at least 10 minutes and perhaps as much as 20 minutes before the shooting, which occurred just after 2 a.m. The shooting victim and witnesses at first were uncooperative, according to police, but Bernstein said detectives have now interviewed several people.

Vick allegedly had an argument with his co-defendant and ten-minutes later shots are fired at the same co-defendant?

I guess this Woodard person is supposed to be Vick’s attorney, but I don’t think he is really helping his client at this point. Almost from the begginning of this latest debacle it seemed like Vick was getting bad advice, I really don’t think he should have had a birthday party and invited all of Virginia, and now we know at least one of the people that has not been looking out for Vick’s best interests.

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