The end of Micheal Vick?

Looks like Micheal vick, a well known dog fighter and part-time quarterback in the NFL may be in some trouble:

A fight broke out when a crowd of people attending Michael Vick’s 30th birthday party, dubbed “Vick’s All White 30th Birthday Bash,” spilled onto the street. Several gunshots were fired and one of Vick’s co-defendants in the federal dog fighting case, Quanis Phillips, was taken to Virginia Beach General Hospital with a gunshot wound in his leg.

It is unclear whether or not Vick was present at the time of the shooting.

Vick is still on federal probation and on a three-year suspended sentence for a state dog fighting conviction. As a condition of his release, he is not allowed to associate with known felons, that would certainly include Quanis Phillips

(bolding mine)
First it doesn’t seem like Vick was taking his probation very serious, and was still hanging out with the same people he claims got him into trouble. Second, if his probation gets revoked he will probably miss another year of football; which I guess will be the end of Vick’s football career.

If the NFL doesn’t ban Vick at this point, it would be pretty obvious they don’t care at all about the conduct of NFL players.

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2 Responses to The end of Micheal Vick?

  1. frank zeemer says:

    This probably did it for Vick…The Feds do not have to prove that he associated with known felons all they have to do is believe more than likely what they think the circumstances are…and that he has been hanging out more than likely with bad guys.No doubt if not in trouble with the feds he is with the commish…VICK lets face it is not a smart person…

  2. John Rove says:

    You also have to wonder about the people advising him, an “all White” birthday bash. You just knew that wouldn’t end well. His agent or someone should have said something.

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