We are stuck with McChrystal

A lot of people are calling for McChrystal to step down and he probably should after saying some pretty stupid and disrespectful thing in an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine, but I doubt his replacement would be any better.

The real problem with our milatary is that for quite a few years it has been mostly about promoting christian beliefs and not really about defending America. It will probably take twenty years to fix the milatary and until then we are stuck with a bunch of guys like McChrystal, who have never shown good judgement and want to make the whole world beleive in their Santa Clause. Going back to his attempts cover-up Pat Tillman’s death McChrystal has never shown good judgement but I doubt the army has anyone standing behind him who is any better. It is time to get out of Afganistan before our christian soldiers make it worse, and McChrystal is as good as anyone to lead the retreat.

Update: Looks like Obama outsmarted me at just about everyone else. Again I am really glad Obama is president

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