Monthly Archives: May 2010

I hope everyone is having a great Holiday

This is probably the first Memorial day I have had off in my adult life, gotta say it is great. Just got back from a long bike ride, I wish every day was a holiday. I hope everyone is having … Continue reading

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Granny Palin news

Steve Benen asks when people will stop covering Sarah Palin’s hateful vile missives: Former half-term Gov. Sarah Palin (R), who seems unfulfilled unless she’s engaged in some kind of pointless feud, has decided to lash out wildly at an investigative … Continue reading

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Somebody else is starting to notice that Kristof is a little off

This is a bit old, but it’s worth commenting on regardless. Nick Kristof — an otherwise admirable guy — thinks it’s appropriate to chastise poor Africans for their consumption choices in the pages of the New York Times: There’s an … Continue reading

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Not ready for reality?

A lot is being made of the Rand Paul implosion: It’s basically this — all the stuff Paul is getting in trouble for now are things that would just be really tough to use against a candidate in a GOP … Continue reading

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Deja vu all over again

Bike racing is starting to look a lot like Baseball, only bike racing is still cooler: The cycling community gathered in this farming town for Thursday’s start of Stage 5 of the Tour of California was left stunned by allegations … Continue reading

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Racist as they want to be

I caught a little bit of Ran Paul on the Racheal Maddow show last night, and the guy seemed unable to answer a simple questions. Maddow kept asking him if he supported the Civil Rights Act and he kept trying … Continue reading

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Reefer Madness

From Andrew Sullivan: I’m a college student (should be writing my final paper right now, in fact), so there isn’t any real stigma regarding smoking marijuana, but I do it for a much different reason than most of my friends. … Continue reading

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How much is that baby in the window?

After I read stuff like this I am amazed that people still think we can breed our way out of the financial crisis: Alison Schrager reports “The paper finds the cost of adopting a black baby needs to be $38,000 … Continue reading

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The mortgage mess explained(well, sort of explained)

From Mathew Yglesias: Suppose we have 100 mortgages that pay $1 or $0. The probability of default is 0.05. We pool the mortgages and then prioritize them into tranches such that tranche 1 pays out $1 if no mortgage defaults … Continue reading

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A race to watch

Politics in Florida is always interesting: Florida Gov. Charlie Crist spent most of 2010 a pitiful figure, falling behind an upstart Tea Party opponent and struggling to remain competitive in a senate primary when only two years before he was … Continue reading

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‘WBWJR — What Boy Would Jesus Rent?'”

This is pretty funny: Last night, Stephen Colbert named George Rekers, a leader in the ex-gay movement and a co-founder of the Family Research Council, his “Alpha Dog of The Week” after Rekers was caught coming back from Europe with … Continue reading

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Why do conservatives hate nature?

I have tried to get my mond around this for awhile, I have always assumed that conservatives just have an irrational fear of wildlife but maybe the urge to destroy wild animals and the places they live is more ingrained … Continue reading

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Is it time to end deep-water drilling

The Wall Stree Journal has an article up about what might have prevented the Oil-Spill in Louisiana. The interesting part is that the safety device, that would have cost about $500,000 was not required thanks to Dick Cheney’s energy commission. … Continue reading

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