Crazy conservatives are better than the alternative

Matt Yglesias might be missing the point on what makes a good conservative while discussing David Frum:

What makes him a reasonable interlocutor with things worth saying on a variety of topics is precisely that he does care. Conservatives who care about the issues—whichever issues it is they care about, and whatever their substantive views on those issues—aren’t going to spend their time on nonsense inquiries into the nature of Obama’s plot to throw grandma in the Gulag or on fantasizing about the idea that Sarah Palin would make an effective president or state-by-state efforts to ban big government microchip

The country is better off if the leaders of the conservative movement focus on making money for themselves, like Sarah Palin, and saying things to be popular on FOX news, rather trying to enact real conservative policies like invading every country because they might might attack the U.S one day.

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