Monthly Archives: April 2010

drill baby drill

This is perhaps the worst man made dissaster ever: Ten days ago, after an explosion occurred on BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig off the Gulf Coast, the initial word from the Coast Guard was that there was no oil spill. That … Continue reading

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Offshore drilling is completely safe

Hopefully this will make the “drill baby drill” crowd, including our president re-think offshore drilling. Coast Guard officials said Monday afternoon that the oil spill near Louisiana was now covering an area in the Gulf of Mexico of 48 miles … Continue reading

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It’s called bad faith

Thomas Friedman thinks the tea baggers can be useful and Steve Benen disagrees: Thomas Friedman has a column today suggesting Tea Partiers strive to “become something more than just entertainment for Fox News.” Specifically, the columnist recommends that these activists … Continue reading

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Crazy conservatives are better than the alternative

Matt Yglesias might be missing the point on what makes a good conservative while discussing David Frum: What makes him a reasonable interlocutor with things worth saying on a variety of topics is precisely that he does care. Conservatives who … Continue reading

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The creepy mom blog

I found this post when I was looking for something else, but OMG what a sad women: My daughter and I almost made it through Mother’s Day without screaming at each other. Unfortunately, as I was driving Katie back to … Continue reading

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More chicken’s for Check-ups

I know I haven’t talked about this before, but I am assuming everyone has heard about the latest big republican health care idea, which is to go back to a barter economy. Paul Krugman explains why that won’t work: Everyone’s … Continue reading

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More Goldman Sachs

Looks like Goldman Sachs knew the mprtgage market was going down and positioned themselves to make some money out of it, I guess the issue is whether or not they misled investors as to what they believed was going to … Continue reading

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Tim Tebow: “I am a victim”

I just listened to the Tim Tebow press conference, here in Denver it is all Tebow all the time. A reporter asked him why he thought he was picked so late? His response was that he felt people held his … Continue reading

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Maybe we can start calling Republicans the princess party

Obama hits on the real issue with republican obstructionism: In this entire year and a half of cleaning up the mess, it’s been tough because the folks very responsible for a large portion of this mess decided to stand on … Continue reading

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Everyone saw the crash coming?

I really am starting to think the case against Goldman Sachs is kind of weak: The SEC’s complaint against Goldman Sachs alleges that it defrauded clients by conspiring with hedge-fund manager John Paulson to create collateralized debt obligations on subprime … Continue reading

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Is it fraud or good business?

The case against Goldman doesn’t seem totally open and shut. But in 2006, some inside Goldman began to worry about the fragile state of housing. Daniel L. Sparks, the Texan who ran the mortgage unit, sided with those who believed … Continue reading

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Nicholas Kristof: sell the sizzle

Nicholas Kristof tours Africa and seems to get the wrong message, starting with this missive about everyone needing a helicopter: We humans are suckers for certain kinds of wildlife, from lions to elephants. I hadn’t known I was a zebra … Continue reading

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Sunday’s edition of who does Jesus hate now

Nicholas Kristof is a smart man but I think he kind of misses the point when he talks about Catholic groups in Africa: But there’s more to the picture than that. In my travels around the world, I encounter two … Continue reading

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Maybe he liked Canadian health-care

A Lynx relocated to Colorado went all the way back to Canada, only to be killed by an asshole: It was an extraordinary journey of 1,200 miles – from Silverton, Colorado to Nordegg, Alberta, Canada. And although the life of … Continue reading

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Why are the tea-baggers so angry

One labor leader thinks he has the answer: I am going to talk tonight about anger—and specifically the anger of working people. I want to explain why working people are right to be mad about what has happened to our … Continue reading

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Feel the Christian love

From HUCKABEE, FAMILIES, AND PUPPIES…. Republican Mike Huckabee — former Arkansas governor, former presidential candidates, and Fox News personality — hasn’t made much of an effort to hide his contempt for gay people. What’s interesting, though, is that as … Continue reading

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Bike Racing?

I have been trying to follow bike racing and it is very confusing, but this guy sounds pretty good: ROUBAIX, France (AFP) – Swiss Olympic time-trial champion Fabian Cancellara won the Paris-Roubaix one day classic cycling race on Sunday to … Continue reading

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Texas size regulations

Texas dosen’t allow people to get home equity loans that exceed 80% of the homes appraised value, essentially they have mandated that you must strive for 20% equity in your home; as much as I make fun of Texas this … Continue reading

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More prom news

As somebody who saw prom as a hassle I am uniquely ill suited to talk back about it, but… A bunch of her classmates started a Facebook group called “Constance quit yer cryin” to ridicule her. The attitude of the … Continue reading

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Who would Jesus shun

Christain mythology is not only dangerous it is incredibly mean spirited.

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Magical thinking from the right

Steve Benen talks about the differences between left and right policy goals: For the left, the goals relate to policy ends. We want to expand access to quality health care. We want to lower carbon emissions to combat global warming. … Continue reading

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Equality of the sexes

Probably not in a good way, but this certainly is interesting. According to Dr David Holmes, a psychologist at Manchester Metropolitan University, women are having more affairs than ever – recent studies say the figure is around 20 per cent … Continue reading

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